Starborn Perk Tree V1.01

Starborn Perk Tree

Starborn abilities were pretty useful in the game, but I rarely use them with the exception of personal atmosphere. This mod will attempt to make being Starborn a bit more interesting, with an array of new perks and challenges that should hopefully be decently balanced. The perks should hopefully make using Starborn abilities in and out of combat more enticing, useful, and rewarding.

Quick Overview:
Enhancing Starborn power strength, duration, area and/or effects.
Improving quantum essence and adding new uses for such a rare commodity.
New passive perks that improve your character even when not using abilities.
New weapon, armor, helmet, and boostpack mods.
New consumables and useful tools.
Quantum Essence will persist in NG+ playthroughs, if there’s a time having extra star power is useful, it’s right after you lose all your gear.
Taking certain perks will make Quantum Essence an inventory item, allowing it to be easily hotkeyed or used for crafting the new items.

Install normally with your preferred mod manager.
If the scripts don’t seem to be working you can try the loose files. This is my first mod using a bethesda archive over loose files, so apologies if it doesn’t work.

Will likely conflict with other mods adding new perk trees or otherwise modifying the perk tree SWF file.
The mod should function fine with mods that add new powers and should apply bonuses properly if the new powers have the proper hotkeys.
Other potential conflict is the formlist that stores the Actor Values the player takes with them into NG+.
This mod was built in the Creation Kit and has had dirty edits cleaned.


Inner Focus:
Rank 1 – +15 Starpower
Rank 2 – +30 Starpower
Rank 3 – +45 Starpower
Rank 4 – +60 Starpower

Quantum Being:
Rank 1 – Self-targeted abilities are 10% stronger and/or last 10% longer.
Rank 2 – Self-targeted abilities are 15% stronger and/or last 15% longer.
Rank 3 – Self-targeted abilities are 20% stronger and/or last 20% longer.
Rank 4 – Self-targeted abilities are 25% stronger and/or last 25% longer.

Salvaged Essence:
Rank 1 – 15% chance for a second quantum essence.
Rank 2 – 20% chance for a second quantum essence and 10% chance for a third.
Rank 3 – 30% chance for a second quantum essence, 15% chance for a third, and 5% chance for a fourth.
Rank 4 – 40% chance for a second quantum essence, 20% chance for a third, and 10% chance for a fourth. Obtaining a Quantum essence will fully restore your Star Power.

Tangible Essence:
Rank 1 – Quantum Essense immediately restores 5% of it’s recovered power as health and is now an inventory item, new recipes unlocked at the pharmacology lab.

Agility Essence: Speed and Jump Boost
Strength Essence: Carryweight and melee bonus
Lootbox – Random: Random Weapon, Armor, Clothing, Resource item(s)

Rank 2 – Quantum essence heals 10% of its power recovery, new recipes unlocked at the pharmacology lab.

Agility Essence: Speed and Jump Boost
Strength Essence: Carryweight and melee bonus
Lootbox – Random: Random Weapon, Armor, Clothing, Resource item(s)

Rank 3 – Quantum essence heals 15% of its power recovery, new recipes unlocked at the pharmacology lab.

Charisma Essence: Increases persuasion and other speech checks success chance by 20%. Increases companion affinity gain.
Endurance Essence: Increases damage and enviromental resistances. Also fortifies health
Time Lens: Reduces time while aiming down iron sights.
Folded Wormhole: Able to open either a exit or entrance portal, and allow immediate travel between the two points. Only one exit and one entrance portal can be open at a time.
Lootbox – Armor: Random Armor item

Rank 4 – Quantum essence heals 20% of its power recovery, new recipes unlocked at the pharmacology lab.

Luck Essence: Increases critical chance and damage, prevent enemies from landing criticals on you.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: Combining all the “stat” essence into one will make you invincible for a short time.
Quantum Egg: Summons a random predator creature from Unity.
Void Pocket: Opens a container that can be used to store items. Opening uses up the item each time.
Lootbox – Weapon: Random Weapon

Rank 1 – Starborn Powers have a 5% extended duration.
Rank 2 – Starborn Powers have a 10% extended duration.
Rank 3 – Starborn Powers have a 15% extended duration.
Rank 4 – Starborn Powers have a 20% extended duration.


Deadly Impact:
Rank 1 – Offensive Starborn Powers do 10% more damage. Non-offensive Starborn Powers are 5% stronger.
Rank 2 – Offensive Starborn Powers do 15% more damage. Non-offensive Starborn Powers are 10% stronger.
Rank 3 – Offensive Starborn Powers do 20% more damage. Non-offensive Starborn Powers are 15% stronger.
Rank 4 – Offensive Starborn Powers do 30% more damage. Non-offensive Starborn Powers are 25% stronger.

Rank 1 – +0.5 Star Power per second
Rank 2 – +1 Star Power per second
Rank 3 – +1.5 Star Power per second
Rank 4 – +2 Star Power per second

Power Overflow:
Rank 1 – Run 10% faster and jump 25% higher, but only when your Star Power is full.
Rank 2 – Run 15% faster and jump 50% higher, but only when your Star Power is full.
Rank 3 – Run 20% faster, jump 75% higher, and sprinting costs 15% less oxygen, but only when your Star Power is full.
Rank 4 – Run 25% faster, jump 100% higher, and sprinting costs 30% less oxygen, but only when your Star Power is full.

Quantum Thirst:
Rank 1 – Quantum Essense restores 15% more power and recovers a small amount of thirst.
Rank 2 – Quantum Essense restores 30% more power with a 10% extended duration and recovers a small amount of thirst and hunger.
Rank 3 – Quantum Essense restores 45% more power with a 20% extended duration and recovers a medium amount of survival needs.
Rank 4 – Quantum Essense restores 60% more power with a 30% extended duration and recovers a large amount of survival needs.

Second Life:
Rank 1 – Once per day, dropping below 20% health will heal you for 25% of your total life and negate any damage taken for 3 seconds. A Quantum Essence is used when activated.
Rank 2 – Once per day, dropping below 20% health will heal you for 50% of your total life and negate any damage take for 5 seconds. A Quantum Essence is used when activated.
Rank 3 – Once per day, dropping below 20% health will heal you for 75% of your total life and negate any damage take for 7 seconds. A Quantum Essence is used when activated.
Rank 4 – Once per day, dropping below 20% health will heal you for 100% of your total life and negate any damage take for 9 seconds. A Quantum Essence is used when activated.


Critical Power:
Rank 1 – Offensive Starborn Powers have a 3% chance to do an additional 50% damage.
Rank 2 – Offensive Starborn Powers have a 7% chance to do an additional 100% damage.
Rank 3 – Offensive Starborn Powers have a 12% chance to do an additional 150% damage.
Rank 4 – Offensive Starborn Powers have a 18% chance to do an additional 200% damage.

Quantum Engineering:
Rank 1 – Quantum Essense can be used as a substitute for caelumite in recipes. Unlocks new melee weapon mods at the weapons workbench.

Caelumite Blade: Improved stats
Quantum Handle: Slows time while blocking

Rank 2 – Quantum Essense can be formed into unique inorganic resources at the industrial workbench. Unlocks new boostpack mods at the Armor Workbench.

Quantum Boostpack – Superior Balanced Boostpack
Autothrust – Handles falling adjustments, preventing falling damage.
Fuel Injector – Reduces fuel used by boostpack jumps.
Quantum Lens – Increased Starpower.
Starpower Recycler – Increased starpower regeneration.
Superior Capacity – Improved Extra Capacity, with reduced pack weight.
Starsprint – Increases sprint speed, however sprinting uses starpower as well.

Rank 3 – Quantum Essense can be formed into unique organic resources at the industrial workbench. Unlocks new ranged weapon mods.

Caelumite Internals – Improved Stats (ballistic)
Caelumite Mag – Increased armor penetration and stats (ballistic)
Beam Splitter – Randomly splits laser beams 2-4 times (energy)
Caelumite Amplifier – Increased stats (energy)

Rank 4 – Quantum Essense can be formed into any Starborn outfit you have obtained in the past at the industrial workbench. Unlocks new spacesuit and helmet mods. Also unlocks additional ship modules.


Polymer Composites – Reduced weight, improved damage resist
C02 Converter – Reduces oxygen use for sprint and jump
Translater – Increased persuasion chance
Nutrient Extractor – Increased magnitude of food effects
Analysis Overlay – Increases XP gained
Targeting Overlay – Increased critical hit chance
Air Scrubbers – Increased enviromental resistances
Reactive Coating – Chance to reflect damage back at attacker
Optomized Filters – Reduced oxygen use
Quantum Magnifier – Increased Starborn ability magnitude
Quantum Core – Increased Starborn ability duration
Multi-Pocketed – Improved Pocketed mod, with reduced suit weight as well
Med Delivery System – Increased magnitude for medical items
Advanced Servos – Improved Speed and Jump
Enviromental Shielding – Improves enviromental resistances.
Ship Modules:
Unlocks vanilla modules that were locked behind a global.

Quantum Entanglement:
Rank 1 – Casting a Starborn ability has a 12% chance to summon a Starborn ally to join you for 10 seconds.
Rank 2 – Casting a Starborn ability has a 15% chance to summon a Starborn ally to join you for 20 seconds.
Rank 3 – Casting a Starborn ability has a 19% chance to summon a Starborn ally to join you for 30 seconds.
Rank 4 – Casting a Starborn ability has a 24% chance to summon a Starborn ally to join you for 45 seconds.

Quantum Protection:
Rank 1 – Enemies are 10% less likely to land critical hits if holding at least 20 Quantum Essence. Using Quantum Essence provides +8 damage resist for 10 seconds.
Rank 2 – Enemies are 20% less likely to land critical hits if holding at least 40 Quantum Essence. Using Quantum Essence provides +12 damage resist for 20 seconds.
Rank 3 – Enemies are 30% less likely to land critical hits if holding at least 60 Quantum Essence. Using Quantum Essence provides +16 damage resist for 30 seconds.
Rank 4 – Enemies are 45% less likely to land critical hits if holding at least 90 Quantum Essence. Using Quantum Essence provides +20 damage resist for 45 seconds.

Total Control:
Rank 1 – Starborn abilities cost 50% power and are 50% weaker if cast with less than 33% starpower.
Rank 2 – Starborn abilities cost 50% power and are 40% weaker if cast with less than 33% starpower.
Rank 3 – Starborn abilities cost 50% power and are 30% weaker if cast with less than 33% starpower.
Rank 4 – Starborn abilities cost 50% power and are 20% weaker if cast with less than 33% starpower.


Ability Master:
Rank 1 – Starborn abilities have a 9% increased magnitude, duration, and area.
Rank 2 – Starborn abilities have a 18% increased magnitude, duration, and area.
Rank 3 – Starborn abilities have a 24% increased magnitude, duration, and area.
Rank 4 – Starborn abilities have a 36% increased magnitude, duration, and area.

Imbued Power:
Rank 1 – Casting a power will make your next melee attack do 75% more damage or your next ranged attack do 50% more damage.
Rank 2 – Casting a power will make your next melee attack do 150% more damage or your next ranged attack do 75% more damage.
Rank 3 – Casting a power will make your next melee attack do 225% more damage or your next ranged attack do 100% more damage.
Rank 4 – Casting a power will make your next melee attack do 300% more damage or your next ranged attack do 150% more damage.

Limitless Power:
Rank 1 – Starborn powers gain +1% magnitude and duration for each time unity has been entered.
Rank 2 – Starborn powers gain +2% magnitude and duration for each time unity has been entered.
Rank 3 – Starborn powers gain +3% magnitude and duration for each time unity has been entered.
Rank 4 – Starborn powers gain +4% magnitude and duration for each time unity has been entered.

Lingering Essence:
Rank 1 – Enemies hit by a Starborn power have 20% reduced defense for 4 seconds.
Rank 2 – Enemies hit by a Starborn power have 35% reduced defense for 5 seconds.
Rank 3 – Enemies hit by a Starborn power have 50% reduced defense for 6 seconds.
Rank 4 – Enemies hit by a Starborn power have 65% reduced defense for 7 seconds.



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File File size
zip Starborn Perk Tree-1-01 2 MB
zip Starborn Perk Tree - Loose Files-1-01 2 MB
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