Mos Eisleys Cantina V1.0

Mos Eisleys Cantina V1.0

Welcome to Mos Eisleys Cantina, a smugglers safe haven. This is an attempt to recreate the iconic cantina from the Star Wars saga, this was made only by using Starfields waste model collection.

So where is it? Can be found in AKILA on the left side of The Rock – Look at the map image for guidance.

There isnt any special features added to the place currently, you can pickup crew members and clear your bounty. Im hoping for the future that I can add a bounty terminal, an consistent bartender how sells “fun” stuff, and an increased chance of finding wanted people here.

THIS IS ONLY THE CANTINA LOCATION – Anything else Star Wars related or unStarfield is imported mods, check “Highly recommended Mods”.
Even tho alot of hours went into this project, like modelling, testing, AI manipulation and scaling, it isnt the complete remodel of the real thing. Ive added some extra models to give it that last feeling of a grown in place, that not might be too canon.

I only used Starfield models, meaning some stuff will not be accurate without some custom model (maybe in the future?) – Sorry in advance for any hardcore Star Wars fans.

Known bugs
Soundstracks location is bugged (Unsure if its the lastest Update from Starfield) – Ive tried multiple times to fix this but cant find a workaround.
Some AI’s will do weird stuff like stand on things.
Some chairs cant be sit on (because its reserved for AI’s).

Highly recommended Mods
Star Wars Alien
Star Wars Astromech Mini Bots

Installation: Copy both files and add to your Starfield data folder



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