ENHANCE Armour – Energy Shields V1.0

ENHANCE Armour - Energy Shields

This mod patched the logic holes of bulletproof spacesuits in Starfield by adding wearable energy shields to spacesuits and apparel.

The NASA-punk spacesuits in Starfield are somehow impenetrable and bulletproof. Since humanity invented the grav drive and shieldings for spaceships, it’s lore-friendly to have energy shieldings for spacesuits.

This mod changes the armour platings of the UC Marine Spacesuits into energy shields. It also includes two types of face/helmet energy visors. The shields are purely cosmetic and available for all genders.

There are two versions: Spacesuit shield (for use with spacesuits) and Outfit shield (for use with clothing).

If you use the shields with the armoured UC Marine Spacesuits, the armour platings will be replaced automatically. The spacesuit version may not be suitable for very bulky spacesuits.

The Energy Visors are not compatible with big helmets, especially Version 1.

The shields’ appearance can be customised at the Spacesuit Workbench.

How to get the outfit:

– Craft it at the industrial workbench at the hefty cost of one iron. Look for the entries starting with ZY7.

– Or, get the outfit by using the console command. Search the IDs by typing: help ZY7

Once crafted, the body shield is in the “Spacesuit” or “Apparel” portion of the inventory, depending on which version you’ve crafted.

The spacesuit version of the face shields can be found under “Helmet”.

Once you have a stable-ish load order, I highly recommend this mod, which allows you to equip and unequip the items with customisable hotkeys, as demonstrated in this video:

Download the main file via a mod manager.



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File File size
zip ZY7_Energy_Shield-1-0 117 KB
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