Lightweight Spacesuit – Flightsuit Nova V1.0.2

Lightweight Spacesuit - Flightsuit Nova

This mod adapted the apparel Utility Flightsuit into a spacesuit. It is compatible with all vanilla (and some modded) helmets and packs. It’s for female only. This mod is ESM light/small master

After more than 200 years of space-fairing experience, humanity should have created an advanced spacesuit that is just as easy to equip as putting on a pair of shoes. Yet we are left with the same spacesuit designs from the 20th century.

This mod adds an adapted Utility Flightsuit Spacesuit, known as Flightsuit Nova, to complement the apparel flightsuits in the vanilla game and my ENHANCE flightsuit series. This mod is for female characters only at this stage.

Lightweight Spacesuit - Flightsuit Nova V1.0.2

The suit is available in two fittings:
– The default version is for the vanilla female flightsuit and my base-level Enhance Flightsuit.
– The EP version is for the Enhance Plus and Slooty versions of my modded flightsuits.

The suits have changeable skins, which can be modified at the Spacesuit Workbench. All items weigh 1.0. The stats are based on the Mark 1 Spacesuit. The suits are compatible with all vanilla helmets and packs, and modded helmets and packs are compatible if they use vanilla mounts.

How to get the items:
– Craft it at the industrial workbench at the hefty cost of one iron. Look for the entries starting with ZS1
– Or, get the outfit by using the console command. Get the ID by typing:
help ZS1S

Download the main file via a mod manager.

A full master ESM is also available in the “Miscellaneous Files” section for those who know what they are doing.

Useless Lore:
When venturing into a hostile atmosphere or the vacuum of space, a vest is worn over the flightsuit. This vest forms a seal around the upper torso, making the outfit airtight. The vest also has a life support system and mounts for helmets and boost packs.



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File File size
zip ZS1S Flightsuit Nova-1-0-2 45 MB
zip ZS1S_Full_Master_ESM-1-0-0 3 KB
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