I have followed Google Maps to get to the terrain and road side models as accurate as I could.
Just a simple route branching North East off Colorado Springs.
Don’t expect anything fancy with this, it was not intended to be.
Version 1.44 Changelog:
-High Poly roads/terrain has been kept from version 1.3.3.
-Reduces road terrain size from 1000m to 400m.
-Added trees either side to hide the “void” as it’s a shorter terrain.
-Reduced length of several “terrain” pieces that were hidden under the map, these are unnecessary as they are too long, and just take up extra resources.
V1.2 changelog:
Completely rebuilt the highway
It starts correctly where it should (Thank you Julie!)
Slight vegetation on the road sides, but not overdone
Small farm area
A few wandering surprises on the roads… Watch out at night!
Traffic is currently disabled on this road, I have a problem with a particular junction prefab that will not allow traffic to flow where it should and results it driving through barriers etc, this will be correct soon.
Works on 1.40 and 1.41.
Removed middle barriers and replaced them with barriers either side of the roads.
Added trees and various foliage.
Tidied up vertices.
Altered terrain and surrounding buildings to blend in better.
Added far model trees in the distance to stop “the void” appearing.
usa.mbd has been removed, it snuck in. I have since kicked it out again.
Digital X