Provided here by Edison Motors, modeled by Daramin 3D Design Studios and in gamed by HFG is the Edison L500/750, tandem and tridem daycab logging truck.
This is the initial release with improvements to come.
-Day Cab
-6×4, 8×6
-CAT C9/C15
-4 Interiors
-6 Transmissions
Compatibility for 1.52-1.53
– For saleat a moddealer; -1cabinand2chassis; -Your own interior; -Tuning.
Added Renault etech engine for more electric realism (Choose any other transmission than the 2spd!)
Changes 0.1i
-Added longer cables for the triaxle.
Changelogs v0.1i
-Updated ui dashboard
Changes 0.1h
-Fixed interior mapping
Changes 0.1g
– Updated interior gauge lighting
Changes 0.1e
-Added retarder to EV transmission, and topsy badge.
-Also, some UI icons added for the dealer.
Changes 0.1d
-GPS update
-Naming update
-Default transmission update
Changes 0.1c
-Optimization for the models
-Bugs fixes
-Remove obsolete/not used files
Changes 0.1b
-Fixed paintjobs conflicting with certain vehicles using the SCS W900.
-Fixed the font error in the log.