Cattle and Crops Gameplay Mod v 005

Cattle and Crops Gameplay Mod

Version 001

New animals (geese, chickens, pigs, horses, sheep, goats, cows)

The animals can all be transported in the Joskin RDS. Each barn on the farm and the pasture currently allow all types of animals. So goats, cows, sheep can be accommodated at the same time

New crops (winter oats, winter oilseed rape, sugar beet
New concentrates (pig feed, horse feed, chicken feed
New fertilizer EasyFert with an NPK content of 100-100-10

Adapted growth phases to simulate winter. Canola and oats must be seeded in the fall to mature the following year. Other crop varieties (except field grass) cannot be grown to full maturity several times a year
Plants die at BBCH 90 and there is no yield. Harvest must now be done by BBCH 89 at the latest
Adjusted NÜK requirements of plants. For optimum growth it is no longer sufficient to fertilise the crop only once
Animals on pasture at the farm, not at the dealer, are no longer starving. But may not grow (much)
Various storage places and traders have larger stocks, e.g. seed pallets, fertiliser store, grain store yard, slurry trader at the port
In the barn, straw BALLS can now be interspersed in the stalls. To do this move the bale spike quite high to catch the trigger. Move the bale flat above the ground to pass a stall without interspersing straw
Bulls now generate slightly more slurry than before, as it was probably well below what is generated in reality before
The specific gravity of field grass variations has been adjusted, as well as straw and a few other things, so that they have realistic values and not just a placeholder


straw is not yet being utilized, and if it is, it is not being utilized as desired
New crop seed and grain prices are approximate
Not all animals have realistic growth curves and feed intakes (MJ, protein, crude fiber). Adjusted are
Bulls, cows, chickens (approximate), pigs
Horses are expensive and sell poorly. They serve as a luxury good, not a sausage supplier
Sheep, geese, goats grow like “default
No concentrates can be mixed yet. If you want to feed your animals anywhere near optimal nutrition, you have to buy concentrates at the dock or just feed as is
Translations mostly only German and English, other languages are missing or show wrong text
New fruit types look like barley, as I don’t know how to edit pictures
For sugar beet there are no machines yet that can harvest it

Version 002

Added two offspring barns to the animal menu so you can see the increase in chickens
Pasture at the merchant now provides field grass and the animals grow. The field grass “grows back” when it runs out.
Claas Jaguar 960 Tipper Register extended a bit to the rear.
Claas Quadrant “Feeder Tank” indicator removed from side display. Only the pickup is now displayed.
Created two new FillTypes, “Solid,OrganicFertilizer,BullManure” (cattle manure) and “Solid,OrganicFertilizer,PigManure” (pig manure)

Now (wheat, rye, barley, canola, oats) straw can be interspersed in the bull stalls and it will be converted to cow manure according to real values. If there is no straw, there is no manure but no other disadvantages. The manure pile is next to the barn exit where the rooster crows. A bull produces about 600L manure/month/animal. The manure production depends on the barn and cannot be done individually per animal, i.e. if other animals are housed in the (bull) barn, they will also consume straw and produce manure, but more or less depending on your weight and feeding amount.

Fertilizer calculator updated, it can now handle the new types of manure and the price of sewage sludge lowered from 5 to 4.

After years of multiple requests from a single person, two new liquid fertilizers have been integrated that are the stuff of fantasy. In addition to AHL28 (36N), there is now AHL28P (P36) and AHL28K (K36). Despite some research, I guess you just don’t fertilize P and K liquid. Instead, I guess you fertilize sulfur, iron, and other things, but they have no effect in the game.

Manure production for geese, chickens, goats, sheep set close to 0. Pig manure about 0.43m³ (430 L/month/animal) and bulls about 0.6m³ (600L/month/animal) and dairy cows about 2.4m³ (2,400L/month/animal)

Fodder troughs in bull pen again allow all feedable materials except straw for now until we can sensibly mix feed etc (Solid,Feed;Solid,Chaff;Solid,ThreshedFruit;Solid,Swath,FieldGrass;Solid,Swath,FieldGrassSilage;Solid,Swath,FieldgrassHay)

Prices for loose straw, fieldgrass (silage, hay) has been reduced. Prices for straw bales have been adjusted to reflect current market prices. It should now be worthwhile baling grass in the field rather than just selling it loose. Happy to provide feedback if it should be different.

You can now fill 10,000L of straw, which is exactly equivalent to 2 bales of straw at 5,000L (200kg) each. The “level indicator” of straw in the barn has been made visually clear in addition by bales that decrease depending on the filling level.

Adapted language files so that all new feed troughs, fruit types etc. should now be available in all 8 languages (using Google Translate).

Tucano can fertilize, so once the straw spreader is set to chop and eject the straw, it will fertilize the soil a tiny bit. This is to simulate nutrient return through the straw. If the straw spreader is set to “windrow,” then no fertilizer is applied.

Pasture on the farm now provides field grass and the animals are growing. Field grass “grows back” when it runs low.


see v001

Manure spreader is not included in the mod, but will likely come as a separate mod or then with v003.


Textur: Deutzfahrer
Script: Nachtfalke
Idee / Konzept: Nachtfalke
Tester: Nachtfalke

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