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The Niccoló New Isidro 3 is an Argentine industry bus that we made from scratch with ARBus Mods. We were able to launch it for free on 08/30/2024 thanks to the contributions of the community. The mod continues to develop, stay tuned for news!
-MB O500RSD chassis with 3rd directional axis option
-Variables with/without sensor
-30 Argentine skins in 8K contributed by the community
-Own sound
-Real interior
-Compatibility and optimization for multiplayer
-+30 destination signs (we recommend using the free Argentine map “Mapa Ceibo”)
The work contained in this mod is protected under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license – Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International © 2024 ARBus Mods.
If you share, KEEP THE ORIGINAL LINK; this helps us finance updates and future projects.
On our website and social networks you can find information and updates about our work:
(NOTICE: There are reuploads circulating on various sites with a false description; the mod only works up to version 1.50 and has only 30 Argentine skins. We are not interested in generating false expectations to get downloads.)
Changelog V1->V1.1 (09/25/2024)
-The 12-speed gearbox was replaced with the original one, an MB GO 240-8, respecting its actual specifications.
-Fixed issue with tolls and borders on the base map.
3D Modeling: Tamaki
3D Assistant: Adrian
Texturing and conversion: Anti
Sounds: Bimo
Skins contributed by: dany20rp, Mauro Navarrete, Mariano Saucedo, bascraft and Fer Illanes
Sign material: ModShop (soon compatible with the ModShop Edit App)