Map based around the Ross Ice Shelf at the bottom of Antarctica.
Includes: Amundsen Scott, Arrival Heights, Discovery Hut, Gondwana Station, Jang Bogo, Marble Point, Mario Zucchelli, McMurdo Station, Pegasus Field, Phoenix Airfield, Scott Base, Taylor Valley and William Field.
Adapted for 1.53.x
Works on standard map + DLC, on other maps not tested
The antarctica map, adapted to 1.53 from 1.46 version. It’s my first map mod! Good playing with this mod!
0.8 Includes: Penguins scattered over the map! More detail, Several invisible wall fixes.
Version 0.7: Invisible wall at Amundsen Scott company fix, Vanda Station, Traffic in stations fix and fixed unreasonable ferry times causing you to be always late when delivering something.
New Version 0.6 Changelog:
– Same as v0.55,
– big hole in Germany fix,
– Map holes fixes and new Wright Valley.
Version 0.3:
Includes: Same as v0.2 plus In and Out cargo, Arayas’s Super Zoom is now inbuilt, GPS fix and Rebuilt areas.
Version 0.2:
– Same as v0.1
– Rebuilt areas and fixes.
The map requires Arayas’s Super Zoom Mod and all map dlcs (As far as I know)
You can not currently haul from Antarctica but that will be a thing in the future!
Currently researching on how to do that!
Features map:
Current Antarctica Map settlements: Amundsen Scott, Arrival Heights, Discovery Hut, Gondwana Station,
Jang Bogo, Marble Point, Mario Zucchelli, McMurdo Station, Pegasus Field,
Phoenix Airfield, Phoenix Airfield and Williams Field
Current Antarctica Map landmarks/landscapes: Taylor Valley, Taylor Glacier and Wright Valley
Tested on game version 1.34.x
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-To the Developer
I know you cannot haul from Antarctica, this is gonna sound crazy. BUT create a lonnnnggg bridge from US/Mexico or even both to Antarctica. Just add some rest areas and plenty of Gas Stations. Im anxious to start hauling there! Currently Im on ATS!
Размечтался. Они даже паромное сообщение не сделали, а ты про мост пишешь.