Fixed compatibility issues with Maghreb Map
“Caucasus Expansion”. Here I will focus on expanding the wonderful Caucasus region, in the following manner, as an add-on to ProMods…
Changelog v1.2
Expands into Eastern Turkey by including two cities of Ardahan and Çıldır in version 1.2.
“Caucasus Expansion”. Here I will focus on expanding the wonderful Caucasus region, in the following manner, as an add-on to ProMods…
Release v1.0
– Repacked the mod
– Expands the ProMods Caucasus region with two cities
Required Content
ProMods Europe
Please drop the “CaucasusExpansion_Final.scs” into the mod folder of your ETS2 installation directory. In the mod manager, put the add-on above the ProMods.
v1.1 2023-02-14
includes the following:
-Akhaltsikhe, Akhalkalaki (GE)
-The border to Armenia at Bavra.
“Caucasus Expansion”. Here I will focus on expanding the wonderful Caucasus region, in the following manner, as an add-on to ProMods…
SCS, CrazyCook003, ProMods.