New Map Sitinjau Lauik v 7.1 ETS2 1.36 to 1.45

New Map Sitinjau Lauik v3 ETS2 1.36 to 1.40

For users of ETS2 v 1.40-1.41 version:
delete climate folder and climate.sii file in def folder preview for Red Sky Issue OR Use any Graphic Mod.

Sitinjau lauik map is famous for its extreme paths which are quite challenging to pass.

The Lauik sitinjau climb is one of the icons in this map whose path you can find on the Padang route to Solok or vice versa.

Updates for V7.1 include:

1. Addition of 3000 km of new routes covering 6 cities; Muara Tebo, Bengkal River, Rengas River, Muara Tembesi, Muara Bulian, Jambi
2. Fixed some bugs in Map Sireview Lauik V6
3. Added and fixed some details
4. Fix missing model for ETS v 1.44
5. Update the view distance of the road and the background model is set to “far”
6. Adding a district boundary sign
7. Revision of Panorama 1 . bridge area

Updates for this V6 include:

1. Addition of 2700 km of new routes covering 7 cities; Palupuh, Bonjol, Lubuk Attitude, Panti, Rao, Kotanopan, and Panyabungan
2. Re-work the Pangkalan-Bangkinang route
3. Re-work the Sitinjau-Arosuka line
4. Re-work Panorama 1 . bend
5. Re-work of Arosuka city and addition of Arosuka Outer Ring Road
6. Re-work Review Area
7. Fixed some bugs in Map Sireview Lauik V5
8. Added and fixed some details

Updates for V5 include:

1. Addition of 4 cities, namely Lubuk Basung, Pariaman, Alahan Panjang, and Bayang, including the addition of the phenomenal path of Kelok 44
2. Re-work the terrain texture of the Anai Valley to Sicincin path
3. Re-work the Silaiang Bawah area in Padang Panjang
4. Fixed some bugs in Map Sireview Lauik V4
5. Added and fixed some details

DLC Needed:

DLC France
DLC Italy
DLC North
DLC East

New Updates:
The addition of 6 new cities, namely
– Koto Kampar
– Lubang Kolam
– Bangkinang
– Teluk Sirih
– Mandeh
– Painan

Expansion of Padang City to Teluk Bayur
Fixed some bugs and errors in Map Sitinjau Lauik V2
Added models and improved some details

Standalone Map
Full Dlcs Needed
Tested in Ets2 1.39,1.40

Updates for this V4 include:

1. Added 2800 km of new routes covering 7 cities: Muaro Kalaban, Sijunjung, Tanjung Gadang, Kiliranjao, Dareh River, Rumbai River, and Muara Bungo
2. Re-work the city of Solok and the addition of the Bareh Solok Terminal
3. Re-work the Aurkuning area in Bukittinggi and the addition of the Aurkuning Terminal
4. Adding background models from Panorama 2 to Solok
5. Fixed some bugs in Map Sireview Lauik V3
6. Added and fixed some details

Please try it guys
Don’t forget to follow Lamtorogame’s FB and Youtube to follow the development of theSitinjau Lauik V5 Map update.

Password: Kota_Jambi


Pria Kurniawan,TEGUH GIYONO

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13 Comments on “New Map Sitinjau Lauik v 7.1 ETS2 1.36 to 1.45”

  1. – Hei! Saya telah menginstal game tersebut. Namun kesalahan telah muncul. Langit itu “merah”! Apakah Anda tahu cara menghapusnya? Terima kasih

    – Hey! I installed the game. But an error has arisen. The sky is “red”! Do you know how to remove it? Thanks

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