Raised spoilers.
Cables working!
5 Optionals number plates.
Removable wings.
You still need the original mod, my mod only contain necessary pmd, pmg and def files to add it to the original mod by Eugene: Volvo FH&FH16 2012 Reworked
Changelog v1.5 from 16.04.21:
– fix headlight and foglight glass material.
Changelog v1.5:
-Updated for v3.1.6 & 1.40.
Changelog v1.4:
-Updated for v3.1.4 1.35.
-Fixed DX11 bugs.
-Added stock taillights(Thanks to Schumi).
-Removed battery box from the rear, new shape of chassis and new air tank.
Changelog v1.3:
-Added lowered chassis for normal tyres.
Changelog v1.2:
-Updated to 1.32.
-All models updated to new version(No more yellow lines in log).
-Added chassis with big fueltanks.
-Corrected wings.
-Added painted parts (Only for these chassis, template inside zip file. Left/right parts are not exactly simetrical!)
-Corrected Globetrotter raised spoilers.
-Added more nr plates, now are on separated mod.
-Corrected sideskirts hole for the sidestep of fueltanks.
Changelog v1.1:
-Fixed glass for headlights like in last update of Eugene.
-Added Italian number plates.