Volvo F10-F12 by mjtemdark 1.49

Volvo F10-12 1.35.x edit mjtemdark

Volvo F10-F12(1977-1987)


-Low cab and Globetrotter
-4×2,6×2 short[mid-lift,tag-lift, tag-lift single], 6×2 long(tag-lift tag-lift single), 6×4 short and long, 8×4 oversize.
-Independent Interiors and accessories
-Some accessories
-Independent Sound
-DLC accessory support
-Template included


-Compatibility & updated for 1.49

-Compatibility & Updated for 1.48


-Updated animations for interior
-Fixed obsolete files
-Fixed gps
-Updated for 1.46

-Fix interior sound attenuation and volume,
-Reduce intensity of lights (fix lamp color)
-Adjust fifth wheel height (hook) now uses suspension adjust
-Fix chassis parameters
-Update to 1.45


-Not work in previous versions
-Contain DLC toys and DLC flags activation mods
-Contain skins templates


Stas556, Chris, Gandorin,Mjtemdark, Ventyres

4/5 - (8 votes)
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