Quiet Livestock unit and Health station

Quiet Livestock unit and Health station

Removes the highly irritating noise coming from some machines

Bothered by the livestock units ?
You would like to build one near your base but the sound is so much annoying that you decided to built it on another planet ?
Then Quiet Livestock Unit is your mod : it simply removes the sound that the machine emits 🙂

Same with the Health Stations ? You can use Quiet Health Station !

Tested with Exo Mech 2.42, the two mods can be used together they won’t overwrite each other.

In order to use it you just have to put the “Quiet [Livestock Unit or Health Station or both depending on your choice].pak” file in the folder MODS in *\Steam\steamapps\common\No Man’s Sky\GAMEDATA\PCBANKS”.
Create the folder if there isn’t one already. Also, rename “DISABLEMODS.TXT” into “ENABLEMODS.TXT”.
You will find this file in PCBANKS.

PS: In case of doubt concerning the mod installation, just be sure that your folder looks like this :

Quiet Livestock unit and Health station



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File File size
zip Quiet Health Station 339 B
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