Realistic Combat Overhaul

Realistic Combat Overhaul

If you liked my other mod “all shots cause bleedouts”, then you’ll like this too.

From The makers of “All Shots Cause Bleedouts”
This mod gives combat way more realism. bleedouts, response to being shot, bullet force, gut shots, and more.

From The makers of “All Shots Cause Bleedouts”
This mod gives combat way more realism. There are 5 options to choose from, including :
lower bullet force
lower bullet force + peds dont get up instantly after being shot
standart bullet force, only peds dont get up instantly after being shot
%100 bleedout chance (every shot will cause a bleedout)
%75 bleedout chance (bleedouts lite)

Gut shots are included in all files except the bleedout ones. (inflicts huge pain realistically, so when you shoot a ped in the gut, they will hold their guts for a second and collapse.)

Requires LML.

again, huge thanks to morrigan.

and, no, npcs dont bleedout from their arms or legs, and headshots are still an insta kill.
AND it is compatible with ped damage overhaul, i have it myself!


Professor AND Morrigan

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One Comment on “Realistic Combat Overhaul”

  1. Can you make it so that EVERY NPC that gets shot bleeds out? Cuz in those random events with O`Driscolls they can`t bleed out, also in some missions NPCs don`t bleed out

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