Higher difficulty gameplay. Makes medicine and tonics relevant again by slowing recharge.
+ John can swim.
In the vanilla game Health and Stamina both recharge so quickly that medicines and restorables of all kinds are virtually redundant. Arthur can take 10 bullets to the body, and within 30 seconds after combat have fully restored health. This mod aims to create high-stakes realism with an added challenge.
—-> THIS MOD PAIRS TOGETHER WITH MY MINIMALIST LOOT ECONOMY MOD <---- Health recharges extremely slowly both in and out of combat, for both player and horse. Each health segment lost is critical and medicine is now essential for survival, adding a sense urgency to gunfights. It then takes approximately 18 minutes of gameplay to recharge the entire health circle from scratch if you don't have any medicine. Stamina recharges slightly slower for both player and horse, and you will experience slight drain while jogging or trotting. This compels the player to pay attention during dangerous encounters and escaping law, you may find yourself finally using Cocaine Gum or Horse Stimulants. John can now swim with full functionality, but his stamina drains moderately faster than Arthur's, representing his poor swimming skills. Legendary Animals have reduced health down from 850 to 250 so they are no longer extreme bullet sponges. Regular NPC's are 70. [spoiler title="Changelog:"] Version 1.2 General finetuning. Injury Threshold slightly increased, allowing for appropriate NPC injury animations after taking a first bullet. (Does not conflict with PDO) [/spoiler] Credits: