Defenestration (Window throw animation) on command V1.4

Defenestration (Window throw animation) on command

This mod allows you to environmental window throw animation on command.

I’m planning to improve these mod in the future (there are some problems but I still thought there might be someone that would still like to use this mod). I want to be able to use these animations while in grapple to be able to easily throw people from the roofs, fences etc.

[Version 1.0]

There are two versions (One of them allows you to throw them far more and one of them throws them litte closer)

While in melee combat just hold W,A,S or D and press X to use the animations.

If you use Online Content Unlocker window throw animations will be replaced with online version and the enemies mostly not going to die and start to ragdoll. (If you use it far throw animations won’t work they’ll be replaced with normal ones)

Hold X + WASD / Hold Direction + RB = (Defenestration, window throw animations)



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