Refined Gunplay and Such V1.0

Refined Gunplay and Such V1.0

Many gunplay and stats tweaks to increase realism without making it boring

Simply tweaks the stats of all weapons in the game and also edits some weapon component values to make the gunplay more refined and realistic. Since there are many changes I’d recomend to test the mod instead of reading the descrition and changelog, but you may read some of the changes below:

Decreased fire rate: the mod significantly decreases the rate of fire for all guns in the game. This change makes combat encounters slow and intense, forcing you to think carefuly before shooting as you can’t spam shots like before

Decreased reload speed: not only does the mod decrease the fire rate, but it also greatly slows down the reloading for all firearms, including online and DLC guns

Minimized reticle spread: the mod significantly reduces the spread of the reticle, virtually eliminating it in some cases. This alteration improves accuracy and precision during gunfights, wich pairs well with the reduced firerate and reload, gunfights are slower but more precise

And many more changes that I cant remember since I developed this mod for personal use over the course of a month. Please post your feedback in the comments so I can continue perfecting the mod in the near future

Mod installation: download lml and put the extracted zip inside the “lml” folder

Requires: online content unlocker or version.dll to apply the stats to multiplayer weapons. May or may not work without it but I havent tested it.



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zip Refined Gunplay and Such 114 KB
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