Village Home V1.01

Village Home V1.01

The village Home is a player home located in Bardeen III, planet of the Bardeen System. Both, the Player Home and the Village, have lots of vegetation. The Player Home is composed of two levels; the upper level is where you spawn when you enter it. In that level, there is a kitchen, and lots of areas to be decorated to your liking. In the lower level, there are two guests rooms, a master bedroom, a pool, a storage room and a stair to access the land vehicles garage. This home is nested in a small village that has a hotel, many NPCs that give life to the place, the garage for land vehicles, quests, lots of loot, decorated rooms for all the NPCs, a control tower, a gym, a control room, lots of vegetation and many things for you to discover.

The Bardeen System is located all the way north of Cheyenne, so you will need a ship with good jump range in order to get there. Once there, I recommend reading the DataSlates, for they have quests and clues to places to go and grab items that will give you access to other things.

Most of the loot is vanilla, and the few ones that were modified, they were upgraded just a bit. No game assets were modified, and it was created in a planet that has no quests or gameplay things that could cause a conflict. It is fully compatible with the game and other mods.

This mod is a little smaller than my previous mod, “Bunker House”. If you like a mod with lots of overpowered weapons, suits and ships, you should try my “Bunker House” mod.

I would like to thank @Jenwin77, whose enormous help has made possible a lot of things that were not included in my previous mod. I would also like to thank all those modders that have released great tutorial videos on the Creation Kit. Lastly, I would like to thank Bethesda for the Creation Kit, that has made life a lot easier for us modders.

###Note: There is an issue with 4 of the hotel vendors (the general store vendor, the weapons vendor, the miscelaneous vendor and the books vendor), where they inventory appears empty. All other vendors (the ones in the terminal building and the other ones at the hotel) as well as the Ship Vendor and the Ship vendor terminals (one in the main plataform and the other one in the control tower) have no issues and work ok. Also, the NPC Sleep Packages are not working, so the NPC never go to sleep. I´m working on these issues and will release an update as soon as I get them fixed. This issue has no effect on the game or the mod, the vendors do activate, they just won´t have anything to sell.



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