Adds a bunch of new items to the Eit Clothiers shop
Items in this mod are 100% standalone with morphs for both male, and female. The items are modular, so all can be swapped around.
Outfits, Belts, Glasses, Jackets, Vests, Necklaces, Chokers, and a new cybernetic arm.
1. You can buy from Farad Kallob in Atlantis (Eit Clothiers Store)
2. Use the console commands by pressing ~ and typing Help Eit to get the ID number.
Then type in player.additem NumberHere 1
-Log out of the game.
-Disable the mod.
-Log back in, Save, and log back out.
-Enable mod.
-Log back in, and wait 48 hours in game.
How to install
Install like any other mod with Mod Manager Download
Place the Data folder into the folder where Starfield.exe is located.
Install Plugins.txt Enabler and then paste *Eit_Clothiers_Z.esm in the Plugin.txt
Edit your StarfieldCustom.ini located in Documents\My Games\Starfield
If you don’t have a StarfieldCustom.ini create one by making a StarfieldCustom.txt and renaming it to StarfieldCustom.ini
It should look like this below.
Version 2.1
– Fixed an issue where glasses, and other head items would be visible in 1st person view while flying your ship.
Version 2.0
– Updated all clothing to ZBB.
– Redid the rigging, and weight paint on nearly all pieces to make clothing/gear move better with the character with less clipping.
– Updated every Nif file to have matching num verts with the Geometries, allowing the clothing to morph dynamically in enhance while changing the shape of your body with clothes on.
– Optimized textures in order to lower the size of the mod.
– Added clothes to the display dummies around New Atlantis, and in Eit Clothiers store.
– Added a Storage box on the front desk in Eit Clothiers shop that has 10 of every item in it.
– Added 9 new cyber arms, Chrome, Gold, and Rust colored.
– Added more glow colors for the Jumper jacket and Vest (Green, Red, Orange)
– Added Outfit Sports (Ryujin2) Black and red version.
– Added new Dropcrotch style outfit that comes in 5 versions (Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Red)
– Added 4 different Skirt style outfits for females, and 4 New Atlantis street style outfits for Male.
– Removed the Raven 1a jacket that had the small red light on the back of the neck (The normal Raven jacket is still in the mod)
Version 1.10
-Added left and right variants of the wired cyber arms.
-Added new clear eye glasses.
-Added 4 black trench coats.
-Added 4 jackets.
-Added hair flower (for a friend)
Vanilla version 1.11 (Hotfix) Added missing Nif files for the Brute Jacket Lights, and Hair Flower.
Version 1.9
-Added more variants of the cyberarms (Red, and Green)
Version 1.8
((New items have been added. You may need to save the game without the mod uninstalled before updating in order to get new items to show in shop.))
-Added missing Saturn outfit to the shop.
-As requested I’ve added GeneDogTegs necklace to the game
-Optimized the files, changing size of the mod from 1g to 340mb.
Version 1.7
-Fixed the mask, beanie, and jacket hoods so they are no longer blocking your view while piloting your ship in 1st person.
Version 1.6
-Added missing artifact necklace for female characters.
-Fixed morphs on small Marsfit shirt for VBB female character.
Version 1.5
-Added 3 outfits, 4 cybernetic arms, a choker, 5 vests, a belt, and 2 jackets.
-Fixed the Nos jacket for Vanilla females (it was missing bones)
-Fixed the clipping on some of the jacket shoulders for both VBB, and Vanilla.
-Fixed the clipping on the back of the female shirt for marsfit.
-Changed the weights on the marsfit shirt for both male, and female so it moves better with the characters body.
-Made the cyber arms modular so they can be used with any outfit. (There will be some clipping with outfits that have sleeves)
-Made changes to the Oakley glasses so there is less of a gap between the eyes.
-Made minor changes to the mars harness (lowered the sleeves a bit)
Version 1.4
-The shoulders of VBB jackets, and vests were made more bulky to avoid clipping with other outfits.
-Added 8 more necklaces
-Added 6 more outfits.
-Added a beanie
-Added a mask
-Added chest harness
-Added welding sleeves.
-Fixed cybernetic arm not showing up at certain times.
Version 1.3
-Added normal body type version of the mod.
-Fixed the morphs on the female (Flexfit Belt 2) so it should no longer be invisible.
Version 1.2
-Added missing script so items should now show up in shops.
Version 1.1
-Fixed glasses to show while wearing a spacesuit without helmet.
-Fixed issue with cybernetic arm sometimes going invisible.