EZ Legendary Spacesuits V1.1

EZ Legendary Spacesuits V1.1

363/1210 EZ Rolls. 121 Combos Each for slot 1 modifier. Right Now covers all combinations for Ablative, Anti-Ballistic, And Beast Hunter. Soon to be all slot 1 modifiers.

Pick the abbreviation for the modifiers you like.
1 for each slot.

Lets say you want Ablative, Resource Hauler, Sentinel Helmet, Pack or Spacesuit.
Ablative =al Resource Hauler =rh Sentinel = st. al+rh+st = alrhst.txt
Find the alrhst.txt file in the Ablative folder.
Then place .txt file in your data folder.
Drop the Helmet, Pack or Spacesuit on the Ground.
Open the console.
Click on the Helmet, Pack or Spacesuit.
Use mouse wheel scroll to the Helmet, Pack or Spacesuit ID.
Type bat the .txt file name. “bat alrhs” for example.
You would have an Ablative, Resource Hauler, Sentinel Helmet, Pack or Spacesuit.
Use the key below to help guide you to the proper batch file.
The key is also included in the download as a .txt file.



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rar EZ Legendary Spacesuits-1-1 78 KB
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