Star Wars – Neo Crusader Spacesuit Replacement Pack for Spacers and Disciples V1.1

Star Wars - Neo Crusader Spacesuit Replacement Pack for Spacers and Disciples V1.1

Replaces Navigator Spacesuit with blue Neo Crusader and Disciple outfit with red Neo Crusader

Updated Hugin’s/Akasyan’s original Neo Crusader mod to work with the latest version of the game but modified it to replace Spacers and Disciples instead of Ecliptic and Pirates due to their being a bunch of Star Wars mods that already do that. Renamed all texture/mesh/material files and references to make it compatible with other mods.

Hugin/Akasyan is MIA and his original mod is unusable. If he ever returns, I’ve offered a few possible alternatives so that this modification can stay up hopefuly.

1. Buying his Neo Crusader asset
2. Getting permission confirmation to modify his mod
3. Deleting this mod and having him upload these files himself
4. Simply deleting this mod if he so wishes

Link to the original mod: Hugin’s KOTOR Neo Crusader


Hugin-Munin aka N7Tali aka Akasyan

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File File size
7z Neo Crusader Pack-1-1 190 MB
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