Add Skills to Compantions or Crew V1.0

Add Skills to Compantions or Crew V1.0

Add any or all ALL skills to companions

This is for PC with access to console

Suggest downloading Achievement Enabler to bypass the Achievement Locking as you will be using Console Commands

Install Manually for quicker results in your Game Directory (Disk:\ My Games\Starfield\Data) for using vanilla Install or (Disk:\(wherever Starfield directoryis) \Starfield\Data) if you using mod that changes to same game/mods install as it was in past Bethesda games

1. Face which crew member you want to add skills to. Closer the better.
2. Open Console by pressing ( ` )
3. Click on said character while in console
In center of Console should be the reference name/code of the character — lets say Vasco. ( NPC_’VascoREF) will appear. If it doesn’t either you’re too far away or you need to scroll through the other name/code references till you find the reference name/code of the character (use the mouse scroll till you see it)
4. Type in ‘BAT skills’ — without the quotations
5. Repeat Step 4 three more times to give maxed skills (level 4) to companions and crew
All said skills should appear when recruiting a NPC (named or no) and in the Assignment Page

Baka Achievement Enabler (SFSE)
Baka Disable My Games Folder



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zip skills-1-0 1 KB
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