Let’s Walk Together – Walk with NPC – Hotkey walking and running speed adjustment V1.2

Let's Walk Together - Walk with NPC - Hotkey walking and running speed adjustment

Since Bethesda still can’t match your walking speed to that of NPCs and the running speed makes us sprint everywhere, I’ve decided to fix it on my own.

Other mods have attempted a similar thing, but they either allow you to run and sprint at exploitable speeds, or require you to bind a secondary key to fix the walk / run movement sate to the correct one. My mod disables sprinting while in the walking state.


1. Walk speed adjustment
increases the walking speed by 37%
the walking speed is freely adjustable (from 92% to 137%) in 5% increments with the mouse wheel

2. Running speed adjustment (optional)
reduces the running speed by 13% to a jog (this also influences the sprint speed by the same amount)

3. Walking disables sprinting (engine limitation)
the separation of waling and running speed multipliers requires me to disable sprinting while walking

Default (Walk and Jog) affects both walking and running/sprinting speed. Walking speed is adjustable with MouseWheel
Default (Alt-MouseWheel) affects both walking and running speed. Walking speed is adjustable with LAlt + MouseWheel
Walk and Run only affects walking speed. Walking speed is adjustable with MouseWheel
Walk and Run (Alt-MouseWheel) only affects walking speed. Walking speed is adjustable with LAlt + MouseWheel
Just Walk and Jog affects both walking and running/sprinting speed. No adjustment
Just Walk and Run only affects walking speed. No adjustment


Bind Run/Walk from CapsLock to a different key (preferably not to LAlt)
Unbind MouseWheelUp and MouseWheelDown (necessary for the on-the-fly adjustment, otherwise not needed)

If you have already installed a similar mod, or are using Starfield Hotkeys, or already have a working StarfieldHotkeys.ini in your Documents\My Games\Starfield folder:

Paste the contents of my StarfieldHotkeys.ini [Macros] and [Hotkeys] section to your preexisting file

If you do not have previous similar mods, or it isn’t working for any other reason, look in your Documents\My Games\Starfield folder:

If you already have a StarfieldCustom.ini, add the lines (and remove the spaces, NEXUS does weird stuff):
b Use Console Hotkeys=1
s Console INI =StarfieldHotkeys.ini

otherwise copy both StarfieldCustom.ini and StarfieldHotkeys.ini to your Documents\My Games\Starfield folder


Delete StarfieldHotkeys.ini in your Documents\My Games\Starfield folder
Remove the lines added by my mod, then in the in-game console type:

player.setav speedmult 100
player.forceav speedmult 100
epc (optional if you can’t run / are stuck walking)


Why is walking speed 137%?

It’s a good approximation of NPC walking speed. Also, at 138 and 141 some 3rd person walking animations are replaced with jogging/running animations and it looks janky. If you’re playing in 1st person only, feel free to increase this to something like 157 or even higher.

Why is the minimum walking speed 92%?

Just needed a lower bound. If you need it lower for some reason, feel free to edit the StarfieldHotkeys.ini

Help, I can’t sprint when walking

This is intentional, otherwise you could sprint 37% faster than normal, which is not immersive

Help, I can’t even run, only walk

Try toggling your new in-game walk/run button, then press the CapsLock hotkey

It doesn’t work while the scanner is out

I know, and I have no idea why. Just Bethesda things

Something else, yadda yadda

Write a comment, and I’ll try to help you



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zip Lets Walk Together 1.2 6 KB
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