Real O2 is a lightweight, highly compatible revamp of the O2 system in Starfield.
Oxygen is now a limited resource in zero-atmosphere environments, and must be managed carefully.
As always, the mod is a function of two central concepts: Minimalism and Realism. This is one of the more difficult balancing acts in video games, so I will attempt to explain the philosophy here briefly.
Minimalism: All effects are applied independently, and no vanilla records are touched. Additionally, there are no external requirements for basic functionality. As far as design philosophy, the systems are designed to feel like they were always there, as much as possible.
Realism: This part is simple: You have a set amount of O2 in your pack. If you run out, you will eventually die.
The system revolves around two features: An O2 Reserve and an O2 Drain. Both are covered in detail below.
Your Pack now holds a set amount of O2, varying per category.
Categories are as follows:
- Survival – Holds just enough O2 to avoid instant death in vacuum.
- Balanced – Suitable for short on-foot traversal, or vehicular exploration.
- Standard – Suitable for combat encounters or light exploration.
- Exploration – Holds tremendous O2 for extended planetary expeditions.
If this step is skipped in installation, or if RTFP is absent, all packs will hold a Standard amount.
Categories are now applied individually according to model, instead of following Suit Up’s categories.
Note: Removing or switching your pack while in vacuum will cost you a majority of your reserves.
Constant Drain
When you are in a location without breathable air, you will use O2 at a set rate.
This rate is influenced by your Anaerobic Fitness.
Other Drains
Running and sprinting will use varying amounts of O2. Improving your Aerobic Fitness lowers O2 consumption from activity.
Extreme weather or adrenaline from combat will use varying amounts of O2. Improving your Aerobic Fitness lowers these amounts.
By default, Boost Jumping when in zero-atmosphere uses O2 instead of ‘boost fuel’. This varies depending on the Boost Type (Power uses the most.)
Taking Boost Pack Training reduces this amount.
In Simulation mode, taking gunfire or being bitten can cause a Puncture – instantly draining a certain amount of O2. This is mostly combated by installing Hypercure Sealant or, if Suit Up is present, using an Assault suit.
Fitness System
There are two derived Fitness Skills in the mod – Aerobic & Anaerobic Fitness.
They are only visible and effective in Simulation mode.
The notification in the Status Effects menu averages both together when calculating Fitness.
Aerobic Fitness
Derived from: Weightlifting, Fitness, Boxing, Dueling
Improved by Trait: Terra Firma
This improves your overall aerobic capacity and how long you can remain active in Zero-Atmosphere environments. At higher levels, you can halve your O2 consumption from running or sprinting.
Anaerobic Fitness
Derived from: Gymnastics, Wellness, Sniper Certs, Rejuvenation
Improved by Trait: Spacer
This improves static breath holding ability and reduces CO2 buildup, and influences your resting O2 rate. At higher levels, you can walk (but not run) in Zero-Atmosphere for nearly twice as long.
Asphyxiation and CO2
When you are drawing on your Reserves, CO2 will slowly build up over time. Improving your Anaerobic Fitness reduces CO2 buildup rate.
The rate of buildup becomes higher the lower your O2 meter falls.
At very low levels of O2, you will begin taking Health damage and any Regeneration is nullified.
The only way to recover from this is to either enter somewhere with environment, cast Personal Atmosphere, or use an Emergency Reserve.
If your CO2 has built up excessively, a Purge Valve may be needed to drain it before O2 can be restored effectively.
While in a vehicle, O2 will (very) slowly Regenerate.
If your O2 is Low when you enter the vehicle, a Kickstart will be triggered for safety.
Craftable Items
A few new consumables are available with the mod installed.
Heliox can be made at Pharmaceutical workbenches and will greatly reduce resting O2 usage for a while (e.g. while standing, sitting, or walking).
Emergency Reserves can be created at Industrial workbenches and will instantly replenish a large portion of your O2.
Finally, a Purge Valve can be created also at Industrial workbenches. This will allow you to safely drain built-up CO2 and can be re-used indefinitely.
There are also new Spacesuit Mods.
Experimental Scrubbers for Packs will allow slight O2 regeneration when sitting, standing, or walking.
Hypercure Sealant for Suits simply reduces the amount of O2 lost when a Puncture is caused by incoming gunfire.
Note: Some vanilla suits have these features by default – for example, Starborn suits have O2 Regeneration.
This is visible in the Status Effects menu.
When you enter a breathable location, your O2 is quickly replenished to full and all behavior reverts to normal.
All systems will be paused until you next enter an environment without breathable air.
Compatible with anything except for mods that do the same exact thing.
Mods that alter regen, capacity, etc will generally stack their bonuses as expected.
Flat boni from other mods may or may not be impactful depending on mode.
Smarter Spacesuit Auto-hide is fully compatible. Most similar mods should also be fine.
Theoretically, if they hid the spacesuit in non-breathable environments, they would be visually inconsistent but still compatible.
Suit Up is recommended – but no longer required for categorization system to function properly.
Simply install with your mod manager.
If the mod is installed on a new game, it will trigger once the player leaves the airlock on Vectera.
Otherwise, it will start immediately.
Versions prior to 1.0: Enter an area with breathable air, disable the mod under settings, open the inventory at least once. It should now be safe to remove.
Versions after 1.0: Simply set both options to Disabled. It is recommended but not mandatory to be somewhere with breathable air (e.g. your ship).
There is a Gameplay Option controlling the mod’s state.
[SIMULATION] Mode considers all modifiers and effects, and care must be taken when entering zero-atmosphere environments.
[STREAMLINED] disables all auxiliary systems and relaxes the general scaling of O2 drains.
[DISABLED] simply disables the mod.
The Boosting Uses O2 setting is self-explanatory: on or off.