Smarter AI Sponge Free Combat V1.0

Smarter AI Sponge Free Combat V1.0

Want smarter, quicker responding AI? Don’t want to deal with spongy enemies? Tired of your companions doing absurd amounts of damage? Then this mod is for you!

Improving the fluidity of AI combat by tweaking numerous static values, or
checks, that enemy NPCs go through from the start of combat, throughout
the end of it. Resulting in less standing around, quicker
decisions/reactions, and they will no longer miss 9 out of 10 shots.
Removing the sponginess NPCs receive through HP bonuses from leveling up, as well
as addressing the MC’s (you) damage output that is continuously nerfed
as you increase your difficulty setting

Reduced outgoing Companion damage by 25% (on Normal through Hard), and by 50% (on Very Hard)

Outgoing MC damage multiplier (increased to match Incoming enemy damage multiplier)
Outgoing Companion damage multiplier (reduced)

Bonus Health gained per level (removed)
NPC stuttering/flinching reaction to incoming damage (reduced)
# of NPCs in a cell that can be given full AI processing, and can enter a combat state (increased)
# of NPCs at a time that can follow you through a door at once. (increased)
Time spent by NPCs preparing for specific combat action/event (reduced)
Initial delay time before NPC makes their first movement after combat begins (reduced)
Delay time between initiation of combat attack animation and the actual execution of the attack (reduced)
Percentage of clip used before NPC reloads (increased)
Base level accuracy (increased)
Accuracy of NPCs shots when in cover/providing suppressing fire/using a scoped
weapon/lining up shot state (Will be different values from Base
Accuracy, you can think of this as a score or multiplier piggybacking
off of Base level accuracy) (increased)
Time delay before NPC takes first shot in combat (reduced)
Time delay between NPC shots in combat (reduced)
Level of spread in the shots fired by NPCs (reduced)
Minimum distance to target at which NPCs gain baseline accuracy checks in combat (reduced)
Delay time NPC waits between deciding to use a grenade, to actually executing the throw (reduced)
Time NPC remains idle between successive decisions to use grenades in combat (reduced)
Time NPC remains idle between successive melee combat actions (reduced)
Time NPC takes to respond and attempt to dodge or evade attacks during combat (reduced)
Maximum amount of time NPC provides suppressive fire before stopping (reduced)
Time NPC using cover stays in a suppressed state after being suppressed (reduced)
How frequently game checks if LOS is blocked by cover (increased)
How often NPCs will taunt in combat (reduced)
Probability NPC will choose to advance towards enemy’s position while using cover (increased)

For optimal results, I advise you to use this mod in conjunction with one of the Stealth-only Overhaul mods out there. I personally use Stealth and Detection Mod by Urania.

This mod is not compatible with other Combat Overhaul mods as some lines will be overwritten.

CCR Version:
– This version only works with the Steam release of the game
– Install Console Command Runner and the CCR version of this mod with Vortex

Normal Version:
– Install “SmarterAISpongeFree” with Vortex or unpack into the base game directory (this will be the one that has Starfield. exe in it).
– Download “StarfieldCustom.ini” and place it into your base game
directory. If you already have a modded “StarfieldCustom.ini” follow the
instructions below.

If you already have a modded StarfieldCustom.ini follow these instructions:
Smarter AI Sponge Free Combat

Smarter AI Sponge Free Combat

NOTE: The last letter(s) of your bat title will vary depending on the difficulty file you downloaded.
Ex: Normal Difficulty File -> bat SmarterAISpongeFreeN
Ex: Hard Difficulty File -> bat SmarterAISpongeFreeH
Ex: Very Hard Difficulty File -> bat SmarterAISpongeFreeVH



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