Bunk assignment clipboards are outpost decoration items, which, upon placement, set the owner of the nearest ship bunk to the crew member listed on the clipboard. Once ownership of a bunk is set, no crew or companions other than the individual listed will be able to sleep there. This can be useful for immersion, if you’d like to designate your crew to specific bunks, or simply for utility, like preventing companions from sleeping in your bed in the captain’s quarters.
Bunk assignment clipboards each list the name of a single crew or companion, who, when the clipboard is placed within 2.5 meters of a bed, will become the owner of that nearest bed. When that clipboard is destroyed, the owner of that bed is removed. When a clipboard is moved using the decoration menu, the crew member listed is removed as owner from the first bed, then added as owner to the new nearest bunk in new location in which you’ve placed the clipboard. If a bunk already has an owner – from a previously placed clipboard or otherwise – newly added clipboards will not overwrite the present owner.
There are 32 bunk assignment clipboards in total: one for each human follower, plus Cora Coe and yourself as the captain. Clipboards for followers added by DLC or other mods will require patches.
Clipboards are available in the Misc category of the decoration menu while on your ship. They can be crafted for 1x Structural and 1x Ornamental.
Clipboards for each companion will only appear in the decoration menu if that companion is present on your ship. This makes clipboards easier to use, as only the assignments relevant to you will be available. It also prevents spoiling the presence of any companions you’ve not yet met.
Due to inconsistencies in the base game with how bunk placements work on ships, some bunks may not be considered the “nearest” to the clipboard technically even though it is the nearest visually. I’ve found that clipboard placement works most intuitively inside Nova Galactic habs, whereas habs from other manufacturers may require some more precise or finicky placement to get the clipboard to recognize the intended bed.
How it works:
Each clipboard has a script attached to it which detects when it, as an individual outpost object, is placed, moved, or destroyed.
When placement occurs, the script looks for the closest furniture item within 2.5 meters with the IsSleepFurniture keyword attached to it, and sets the companion listed on the clipboard as the owner of that furniture if it does not already have an owner set. If it cannot find a furniture item matching the criteria, it tries searching again, this time using the player as the origin point for the radius instead of the clipboard itself.
When destruction occurs, the furniture item found during placement is “remembered,” and has its ownership set to “None.”
When movement occurs, the clipboard simply runs the destruction function, followed by the placement function. This clears ownership from the first bunk and assigns ownership to the new nearest bunk.
Please install using a mod manager. I personally use and highly recommend Mod Organizer 2.
You can, of course, install this mod manually or with Vortex if either are your preference and you know how.
This mod is safe to install mid-game. It is also safe to remove mid-game after all placed clipboards have been removed.
The outpost constructible object used by the clipboards places them in the Misc category with priority 1.9955. No vanilla records are modified by this mod.