This is my first real attempt at modding so if anyone has suggestions or finds anything unaffected by this please let me know.
The mod contains three files one for each category, all files should work together just fine so long as armor upgrade is loaded last.
Armor Upgrade tiers and costs:
Tier 1 (Basic): Free
Tier 2 (Calibrated): Fiber: 12, Cosmetic: 5
Tier 3 (Refined): Fiber: 25, Cosmetic: 12, Adhesive: 5, relative research: 1
Tier 4 (Advanced): Fiber: 40, Cosmetic: 25, Adhesive: 12, Poly-Textile: 5, relative research 2
Tier 5 (Superior): Fiber: 60, Cosmetic: 40, Adhesive: 25, Poly-Textile: 12, Luxury Textile: 5, relative research 3
All tiers provide the same effect as vanilla and can still appear in normal loot tables this just lets you craft them even on unique equipment like mantis.(Not NG+ starborn armor though that does not have quality tiers by default so the only way it upgrades is completing playthroughs to get better versions.)
Outfit Lining costs:
All linings and Neuroamp effects have the same cost of 20 Fiber, 10 Cosmetics, and 5 Aromatics. They can all also be applied to all vanilla apparel and Neuroamps.
Weapon Upgrade tiers and costs:
Tier 1 (Basic): Free
Tier 2 (Calibrated): Iron: 12, Titanium: 5, Weapon Engineering rank 2
Tier 3 (Refined): Iron: 25, Titanium: 12, Tungsten: 5, Weapon Engineering rank 3
Tier 4 (Advanced): Iron: 40, Titanium: 25, Tungsten: 12, Palladium: 5, Caelumite: 1, Weapon Engineering rank 4
All tiers provide the exact same scaling on all weapons which is different than the vanilla scaling but was much easier to implement so advanced weapons will always deal double base damage regardless of the base weapon if i get enough interest or requests i may release another version with vanilla scaling it will just take a while to make.