Landing Animation Reloaded V3.01

Landing Animation Reloaded V1.0

The mod always plays a landing animation when landing on a planet – if you approach the planet from orbit.
If you fasttravel to a planet landing marker from another system or from another planet or another planets orbit the mod will stay inactive. Same applies if you travel to a non landing map marker, e.g. MAST or Neon Core.

The mod works similar to “Always Land on Planets” (by S1yRuleZ) and/or “Land On Planets Animated” (by azvampyre1973).
Credits to both, as their work helped me create this mod.

Mod comes as ESM with a quest and extending script. It does not change any vanilla game scripts or assets.

Install as any other mod. (Use a mod manager.)

To uninstall deactivate the plugin + start the game + make a save + exit the game.
Thereafter deactivate the mod and uninstall. (Use a mod manager.)

Requires: Plugins.txt Enabler

Version 3.01
bug fixes
no use of image space modifier

Version 3.0
new redesigned and reworked script
fixed followers and crew functions
fixed long loading times and hangs
better fade out and blend-over timings

Version 2.3
minor changes

Version 2.2
SFBGS0004 update
SFBGS0004 is required master for version 2.2

Version 2.1
bug fixes

Version 2.0
added more black blend-over effects
optimized black blend-over timings

Version 1.9
fixed Image Space Modifier
fixed follower role setting (inactive/active)
fixed landing event detection routine

Version 1.8
bug fixes and minor changes
stable CK version

Version 1.7
Version 1.6.3 redone with the Creation Kit
Remove your old version before updating. This version requires a new mod installation.

Version 1.6.3
bug fixes

Version 1.6.2
added god mode while mod is moving the player character
undone script changes that may have caused problems for some user setups

Version 1.6.1
try to suppress environmental damage

Version 1.6
Another bug found and fixed.

Version 1.5.1
A minor bug has been fixed. No more running followers.
Rework of the follower and crew shut up functions. Should be better now.



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