Plugins.txt Enabler V1.3

Plugins.txt Enabler V1.0

Restores Plugins.txt functionality as in previous BGS games and does nothing more. Yes, that means you don’t have to use sTestFile1 any longer.

Plugins.txt Path

SFSE Installation
Extract & install as you would any other SFSE mod. The final directory should resemble this path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starfield\Data\SFSE\Plugins\SFPluginsTxtEnabler.dll

SFSE Uninstallation
Delete “SFPluginsTxtEnabler.dll” as mentioned above.

Gamepass ASI Installation

Gamepass ASI Uninstallation
Delete “SFPluginsTxtEnabler.dll” as mentioned above.

Troubleshooting/SFSE Logs
Log files are stored under your documents folder. e.g. “Documents\My Games\Starfield\SFSE\Logs\SFPluginsTxtEnabler.log”



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