Culinary Greenhouses V1.0

Culinary Greenhouses V1.0

Our Starfield heroes are amazing! They can be stronger than oxen, survive massive explosions, build starships, construct just about any advanced material, and even turn nearly invisible! More applicable, they are able to harvest unique materials from the most diverse set of planetary plants and animals… but they can’t grow a basic potato or carrot!

Well, no longer! This mod adds a new set of greenhouses which can grow standard produce. Now our heroes can pursue their green thumb hobby as they deserve. We no longer have to scour the universe and slaughter countless bandits just to collect enough produce to avoid scurvy. Note that Botany level 1 is required.

As of version 1.0, these greenhouses can produce 14 products:
1. Carrots (00092B98)
2. Celery (00092B99)
3. Grapes (00092B9A)
4. Lemons (0004B1D8)
5. Lettuces (00092B9B)
6. Limes (0004B1D7)
7. Onions (00003A1F)
8. Oranges (00003A22)
9. Peaches (00003A23)
10. Pears (00003A21)
11. Plums (00003A27)
12. Potatoes (00003A26)
13. Tomatoes (00092B96)
14. Watermelons (00092B97)

This mod provides one step towards turning Gastronomy into a vaguely useful skill. Now if only our heroes could harvest meat, eggs, and dairy from all those poor fauna that we mercilessly butcher for their unique resources… (spoiler – I’ll be looking into this for my next mod).

Because Culinary greenhouses can grow any of the 14 produce items, I’ve made it a requirement to have every type in order to create a greenhouse. For play through purists, you can scour the universe (or purchase) the necessary items. Alternatively, use the console to add items using “player.additem “. The IDs are provided above for convenience.

This mod creates new instances of the greenhouse objects, and therefore should not conflict with any other mod. Greenhouses create the original Starfield food objects, so this mod may be affected by mods which modify those food items.

The produce objects are not considered solid, liquid, or gas. You’ll need “Universal” storage containers to pass them into. Remosito’s “Magnus the Magnate’s Outpost Production Shenanigans – Sorters Splitters Skimmers Sellers” contains a number of these. Aside from the Universal storage containers, his sorting mod is awesome. Go get it! While not technically required by this mod, I’m listing it as such because you can’t store large numbers of produce without it.



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