Wicked Workshop- Outpost Projeckt 2 V1.3

Wicked Workshop- Outpost Projeckt 2

This mod adds 37 different sizes and types of Outpost Habs. Varieties include: Medium (Long) Habs, Double Habs, Double Medium Habs, Combination Habs (Science/Hydroponics). Also included are mod exclusive Garages (with interior decorators) and several Unlocked Landing Pad Shipbuilders and 2 Special Crew Station Structures. Highly Experimental!

Update 1.2. will be final update. I will continue to look for a fix for version 1.1 but do not know what updating to the latest version will do. I apologize if you lose any content or gameplay. This will likely be the final version pending any fixes I find. Updating from all previous versions except 1.1 should cause no problems.

Version 1.1 is still locked due to the Outpost Build Menu Category addition. You will need to remove it and all objects from your outposts and save before updating to 1.2.

I know the Trolls are gonna smell blood, I am sorry if you lost time and content. Please read all below and please, back up your games and create new saves. If you dont know what Im talking about, educate yourself before trying to modify your game.

Modding YOUR Game: Please understand that I have made objects and combined game assets and functions that were not originally intended by Bethesda. This is probably for a stability reason, so understand that modding your game will have risks. Using mods that alter similar or same objects will often conflict in one case and get overwritten in another, this is common in all modding, that is why we endeavor to avoid these issues by knowing what we download and try to use together in our load order. Modders have taken steps to try and alleviate much of this conflict by giving range priorities to objects so they appear in certain orders in the build lists, and by making custom build menus but there will always be an inherent risk of something else in their esp that was changed or altered; like in this case where I have combined several different mods into one. Unlocked Shipbuilders may conflict, Im not sure. Interior Decorators may conflict, Im not sure. All of the Habs on Landing Pads combine keywords and scripts from the base objects and are combined via packin to the best of my ability for a desired result. Therefore, while all of this looks cool, there are risks to using any mod, especially this one.

One more thing, please QUICKSAVE and IMMEDIATELY reload AFTER you build your outpost and BEFORE you leave so it bakes all the objects in to your game. (IMPORTANT)

This mod adds 37 different sizes and types of Outpost Habs, 8 Outpost Storage Containers, a Custom Scan Boosterthat can all be snapped or built upon almost anything, and 2 Custom Cargo Link Landing Pads with snappable Storage and build platforms. Also included are Mod Exclusive Garages (with Interior Decorators), Unlocked Landing Pad Shipbuilders of Science and Military themes, and 2 Special Structures that count as Crew Stations and include Workbenches and Interior Decorators. Assigned Outpost Crew Members will stay near the structures and interact with the objects inside and out! All habs are fully lighted, navmeshed, and atmospheric. Landing Pad Garages also include Interior Decorators for faster building!

Science Habs

Science Hab Small Double- (Double Story, Single Base)
Science Hab Small Double- (Double Story, Single Hydro Top)
Science Hab Medium Angled- (Single Story, Double Long Base)
Science Hab Medium Flat- (Single Story, Double Long Base)
Science Hab Medium Double Angled -(Double Story, Double Long Base)
Science Hab Medium Double Flat- (Double Story, Double Long Base)
Science Hab Garage- (Single Story, Double Long Base, Front Entrance w/Ramp)
Science Hab Garage Hydro- Alt (Single Story, Double Long Base, Front Half Hydro Entrance w/Ramp)
Science Hab Garage Custom- (Double Half Story Hydro Top, Double Long Base, Front Entrance w/Ramp)
Science Hab Garage Double Angled- (Double Story, Double Long Base, Front Entrance w/Ramp)
Science Hab Garage Double Angled Alt- (Double Story, Double Long, Top Half Hydro, Front Entrance w/Ramp)
Science Hab Garage Double Flat- (Double Story, Double Long Base, Front Entrance w/Ramp)
Science Hab Garage Double Flat Alt- (Double Story, Double Long, Top Half Hydro, Front Entrance w/Ramp)
Science Hab Garage Triple- (Triple Story Top Hydro, Double Long Base, Front Entrance w/Ramp)
Science Hab Small Landing Pad Workshop- (Medium Long Lighted Pad w/Unlocked Shipbuilder and Decorator)
Science Hab Round Landing Pad Workshop- (Round Lighted Pad w/Unlocked Shipbuilder and Decorator)
Science Hab Large Landing Pad Headquarters- (2×2 Lighted Pad w/Unlocked Shipbuilder and Decorator, 2 Additional Habs)
Science Half-Hab
Science Half-Hab Alt

Hydroponic Habs

Hydroponic Hab Small Double- (Double Story, Single Room)
Hydroponic Hab Medium Angled- (Single Story, Double Long Base)
Hydroponic Hab Medium Flat- (Single Story, Double Long Base)
Hydroponic Hab Medium Double Angled- (Double Story, Double Long Base)
Hydroponic Hab Medium Double Flat- (Double Story, Double Long Base)
Hydroponic Hab Garage- (Single Story, Double Long Base, Front Entrance w/Ramp)
Hydroponic Hab Garage Custom- (Double Half Story Hydro Top, Double Long Base, Front Entrance w/Ramp)
Hydroponic Hab Garage Triple- (Triple Story Top Hydro, Double Long Base, Front Entrance w/Ramp)
Hydroponic Half-Hab
Hydroponic Half-Hab Alt

Military Habs

Military Hab Small Double- (Double Story, Single Room)
Military Hab Medium- (Single Story, Double Long Base)
Military Hab Medium Alt- (Double Half Story, Double Long Base)
Military Hab Medium Double- (Double Story, Double Long Base)
Military Small Landing Pad Workshop- (Medium Long Lighted Pad w/Unlocked Shipbuilder and Decorator)
Military Hab Round Landing Pad Workshop- (Round Lighted Pad w/Unlocked Shipbuilder and Decorator)
Military Hab Large Landing Pad Headquarters- (2×2 Lighted Pad w/Unlocked Shipbuilder and Decorator, 2 Additional Habs)
Military Half Hab

Special Structures

Outpost Science Bay- (Outdoor Workshop Garage w/workbenches, Crew Station x2, Mission Board/ Bounty Clearance,
Decorator)(Only Decorator Can Build on Structure)
Outpost Field Hab- (Tent Hab w/Outdoor Workbenches and Decorator, Crew Station x2, Mission Board/ Bounty
Clearance)(Only Decorator Can Build on/in Structure)

Miscellaneous Category

Custom Cargo Link – Snappable Hab and Storage. Working Cargo Link
Custom Cargo Link (Inter-System) – Snappable Hab and Storage. Working Cargo Link
Wicked Scan Booster – 5x Scan Range, can be built on almost anything.

Custom Storage

Gas Small (capacity 500)
Gas Medium (capacity 1000)
Liquid Small (capacity 500)
Liquid Medium (capacity 1000)
Solid Small (capacity 500)
Solid Medium (capacity 1000)
Warehouse Small (capacity 500)
Warehouse Medium (capacity 1000)

Special Notes:

Unlocked Shipbuilders: I decided to unlock the shipbuilders and add the special items for ease of use with other mods that allow such things. The Outpost Vendor has increased credits and sells many more ships!

Special Structures: The Science Bay (For Breathable Environments) and Field Hab (For Unbreathable Environments) are assigned x2 crew each. I did this for those who want a quick and easy mining outpost that doesnt take a lot of effort. Both structures provide a small amount of security and loads of functionality. They include workbenches, Mission/Bounty Boards and Interior Decorators! The Science Bay also includes two Player owned Mannequins!

Load Order Neutral: This mod was made with compatibility in mind, therefore none of the vanilla outpost lists were altered (Version 1.0). My Structures list is injected into the game with a determined priority range in the Outpost Structures Build Menu of 1000-1099. This means two things. The first, that my objects will almost certainly be at the bottom of the Structures Tab. Second, that unless someone else’s mod uses the same priority range numbers for their objects, there will be no conflicts. Modders and the modding community are deliberately setting priority ranges for this purpose. If you have any questions please let me know. Update! To increase compatibility (Version 1.1 Only) I’ve changed the mod to create my own Outpost Build Category: Wicked Workshop. All Structures and future items will be added my Category! Huge thanks to everyone who commented and provided feedback! If you’re interested in how I did this keep reading:

To do this I created my own OutpostCategoryKYWD “Wicked Workshop” like the ones the game uses (Science, Hydroponic, etc). Then I created my Category Master List and added my new KYWD to it and selected to add it to the game list OutpostRecipeCategories. This essentially created my very own Build Category. I then used my previously created Sub-Category Lists and linked them to the Master list using a Constructible Object (CO) with my new Category Keyword as the Recipe Filter Keyword and any other Workbench Structure KYWDs like Structures, or Decorations. The CO was set to create the Sub-Category List, only one CO is needed to create the list; doing this it adds the Sub-Category list to the new Category “Wicked Workshop” in game. I did this for all of my lists and that’s basically it.

Build Limit: Some of these Structures are very Large and utilize a lot of resource space so you will reach the Build Limit rather quickly. PC users can use a console command to reset the build limit as follows:
1. Close Builder and approach the Outpost Beacon.
2. Open Console and select the Outpost Beacon, it will be labeled “ACTI.”
3. type in the follow without quotations “forceav 399 0” then press Enter.
4. Do this at least twice and the next time you open the Outpost Builder your Limit will be refereshed!



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