DP Aerospace – Resurrected V4.1

DP Aerospace - Resurrected V1.0

Redesign, rebuild, reclaim. While the first release of DP Aerospace’s Pool Hab honestly turned out being somewhat of a mess it’s been even more of a learning process. So here is the newest version, cleaned up, redesigned, rebuilt, upgraded and ready to reclaim it’s place as your trusted provider for extraordinary luxury space ship habs.

– 3x3x2 Swimming Pool Hab
– 3x3x2 Machine Room / Security Workshop
– 2x2x1 Captain’s Quarter
– 3x3x3 Health Center


So… here it is: Still my first own mod created with CK. Not to say, my first mod EVER, while it’s still and most likely always will be a Work in Progress.

While my first intention of the pool hab honestly turned out to be a huge mess under the hood, I took that down to do my homework. Big sorry to everyone it might have caused headaches too. That was definitely not intended, I just didn’t know any better.
Now the plan was to
– redesign
– rebuild
– reclaim 😉

Not to say – to clean up the mess while doing many upgrades and learning many more processes along the way.

So, what do you get?
– a (HUGE upgrade to the) 3x3x2 swimming pool hab, now coming with a foldable roof for awesome view, a pool bar, a relax area and – WORKING SHOWERS!
– a 3x3x2 machine room / security hab with all workbenches, a laundry and much more – now hiding a little surprise!
– a beautiful 2x2x1 Captain’s Quarter with animated TV, working DJ booth, fireplace and much more
– a 3x3x3 Health Center with a 3 floor combination of Gym, Relax Area, Solarium and huge medical bay

and much more

This mod probably is not much for the pros around here, but I learned so much in the progress, while there are still many issues to be fixed.

Will this have water splish splash around and make your space nightmares come true when your grav is damaged? –
NO… this game doesn’t have that kind of physics

But I hope you still can enjoy some nice, detailed habs to rest and relax and go for a swim before or after your adventures.
I really put A LOT of work and time in this, so while it will never be perfect, I think it turned out not too bad for my first release.

IMPORTANT ! – Infos and known issues that probably can’t be fixed (or I just don’t know how to):

– Doors are only possible:

Pool hab:
upper floor: all three FORE
all three STBD
all three PORT
bottom floor: FORE mid
AFT mid

Machine room hab:
upper floor: all three FORE
AFT mid
all three STBD
all three PORT
bottom floor: FORE mid

Captain’s Quarter:

Health Center:
! All three floors have mandatory doors FORE and AFT mid. I tried to get the snap behavior right for the transform of walls, but station parts behave different and I couldn’t get it done. So maybe that’ll change in a future update. When using Place Doors yourself, make sure you are using Passways at the Health Center. Otherwise you will have double doors!

It also has a hatch plug on the BOTTOM MID for landing bay, docker,…

besides that – NO ladders, NO top or bottom or back entries —-> this is intended, at least for now. It simply wouldn’t fit into the whole layout. I highly recommend “Place doors yourself” to stop the game to place doors on the other entries. It’s set as a requirement for that reason.

– The Real Elevator (hard requirement)—> the elevator I worked with is basically all EdgiestSwing23’s work. I just fit it into the hab and made a glass version, but the set-up and scripts are all his. Even if I understand his assets are free to use, I don’t want to just dupe everything and act like it’s mine.

– Place doors yourself —>


– when actually in space and using the hab the swimming animation still works, but the water surface bugs out. It looks like it’s following the player movement, so for now it seems to only stay calm, when in a world space —> I really, really wish I could fix that, but whatever I tried and whoever I asked, it didn’t work (while most of the people that could know keep ghosting me…)


– the water physics don’t work like usual when inside a spaceship. Even if I added the keywords for raytracing and stuff, it still doesn’t.
That means: No waves, no splashes. I have no idea if that can be fixed somehow. I even tried to add an outpost beacon to the cell and see if this creates it’s own “world space”, but doesnt’t seem to work

– loot containers might or might not work.. there are 3 containers in the Machine Room hab containing loot ranging from crap to amazing; for some reason they work on some of my save files and don’t on others. I have no idea how this is related. Also I often have stacked containers in the esp and when creating the esm they’re empty again. If anyone can explain to me how this whole thing is meant to work, please let me know

What I had planned, but currently don’t know how to do it:

FUTURE PLANS: fixing and optimizing whatever I can, while working on even more habs;
I also wanted to give the weight benches the function to increase carry weight when training, but for some reason this doesn’t work the ways I tried. Maybe I’ll figure it out in a future update

If you experience any other issues, feel free to let me know in the comments. But please consider, I have never done this before. This is my first mod ever and I am learning new things everyday. While I’ll do my best to investigate, this is and most likely always will be a WORK IN PROGRESS. I can fix things because of the help of y’all and by making mistakes and discovering new things.


DirtyDan with a HUGE Thank You to matilija for always helping – DerreTech – Legacy for 332hab and spine and EdgiestSwing23 for The Real Elevator

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