IconSortingTags – Starfield Edition V0.18

IconSortingTags - Starfield Edition V0.3

Add a small icon in front of lootable items in the world and inventory,, so it’s easier to see what is what It also help for inventory management.

IconSortingTags Starfield edition is a sorting modification that uses icons.

It’s the starfield version of a mod I made for Fallout76, that works the same way by adding new glyphs to the default game fonts, then by changing the in game text strings for items, in order to include the new glyphs.
Languages supported at this time : en, de, es, fr, it, pl, ptbr

Please note that not all icons are implemented yet. this is a work in progress.

use a mod manager
put the string and interface folder in the starfield/data folder:

also you need to create or edit Documents\My Games\Starfield\StarfieldCustom.ini files with this data:

if you fail to do that, you will see dots instead of icons, in game.

Everything but mod that edits the font data (fonts_en.gfx) and strings.

To Uninstall, remove the files



JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler
Font studio

98% of the icons are from my own handcrafted design
The other ones are from
-Original game files
-Noto Emoji
-various free font @ Dafont
-Some undocumented free icons ressources over the internet
-Also, thx to DEF_UI Iconlibs Rescaled and Fixed ( Fallout4 – Phlunder ) for inspiration

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