PraxisUI Inventory V0.2

PraxisUI Inventory

This is an alpha release. Please read the entire description and back up your saves.

Large Menu Fonts is not available. Scheduled for the beta release. ETA: 1-3 weeks

PraxisUI Inventory is a close-to-vanilla inventory mod that adds essential quality-of-life features such as separating food from medical items, displaying more item attributes and sorting by them, storing all category items in a container, and selling all category items to a vendor.
Please share feedback and report bugs to the NexusMods page for this mod. Thank you for your interest and feedback!

Reduced size of category and item list elements
Separate Aid and Consumables categories (see notes below)
Sort by more item attributes, including Value/Mass (PC users can click on the column header)
‘Store All’ button to store all category items in a container
‘Sell All’ button to sell all category items to vendors. Can be canceled by hitting Tab (PC) or ‘B’ (Xbox)
Add category mass count to category list
Added Digipick count to the footer and Digipicks moved to ‘All’ category

The Aid category consists of vanilla medical items: Medpacks, Status Heals (e.g. Antibiotics), and Drugs
All food, drink, and Ship Parts are sorted into the Consumable category
Mods that add Aid or Food items will be sorted into the Consumable category

PC Buttons
Sort Direction: ‘A’, Left Arrow
Store All: ‘R’
Sell All: ‘R’



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File File size
zip PraxisUI Inventory-0-2 739 KB
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