Resource Descriptions V1.1

Resource Descriptions V1.1

Adds descriptions to the inventory screen for resources, giving information about them, and what they are used for.

Updates the descriptions of over 100 different resource items.

By default these just have generic descriptions that say ‘this resource can be used for crafting’, which I never liked so I wanted to put in something more descriptive. After all, what IS a semimetal wafter, or zero wire? I also wanted to indicate a little about what each resource was for, I was finding I was looting and storing a lot of resources, blissfully unaware that I’d only be using them deep in 4th level manufacturing for huge outposts. I’ve had a little bit of fun with them too, with an easter-egg or joke or two, nothing too groundbreaking.


What is it:
Semimetal wafer – “A thin semiconductor, critical for circuitry. Primarily used for gas extractors. Unemotional.”

What it’s used for, plus a bit of lore:
Substrate molecular sieve – “Invictus Biochem invented a sub-molecular sieve for higher yield extraction. Required for industrial gas/liquid extractors and high-end farming”

Where to find it:
Gastro Delight – “A regular feature on the Dawn’s Roost menu, the liver of the Bardeen Hornface is a highly valued cooking ingredient” (I’ve also tweaked a food at Dawn’s Roost to reflect this)

I’ve also added a line to some foodstuffs that can be used for crafting, esp when they cover a wide category like ‘dairy’.


standard .esm. Install using a mod manager, or putting it in your Starfield/Data directory.


Should be compatible with nearly everything, only clash I’m aware of is Starfield Resource Revival which also modifies the resources. I recommend you pick one or the other, you may be able to get by with changing load order but I think there will be issues.

I’ve tested using the vanilla interface and StarUI, other inventory interfaces may result in clipping of the descriptions.


I don’t have the language skills to offer this in anything other than English at the moment, but happy to talk about translating if anyone can help. Also, I’ve written the descriptions in British English, as it’s more natural for me; my thinking is that in Starfield time people use a mix of Brit and US. I can look at separating out British and US English versions, I’ll need to rename items like Fiber and Aluminum first though.



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