Changed Earth’s horrible rocky surface to a beautiful tropical forest, also replaced other smaller areas with different tree types.
Make backups of your saves incase of mod conflictions down the line, I wont be responsible for you breaking your saves.
Method 1: Install Plugins.txt enabler and create a txt file in your C:\Users\*Your Name*\AppData\Local\Starfield folder. Add the text
# This file is used by Starfield to keep track of your downloaded content.
and save the file as Plugins.txt, then copy EarthBiome.esm to your SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Starfield\Data folder.
Method 2: Download and use the latest Beta from the MO2. Make sure enable_plugin_management is set to true in the Starfield Support Plugin settings in MO2’s settings.
Install the plugins.txt enabler mod and place EarthBiome.esm in your SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Starfield\Data folder. Make sure the esm file is ticked in Mo2 before launching, you may have to restart Mo2 after you change the settings.
If you are still struggling to understand how to install the esm, read the Plugins.txt enabler mod description for more details on how to load plugin files.