ENHANCEd – NSFW Billboards and Signs Fix V1.1

ENHANCEd - NSFW Billboards and Signs Fix

Signs, Billboard, Posters Fix
Replaces all the ‘ENHANCE!’ signage with 4K original artwork, tastefully NSFW and adheres to vanilla artistic design and pallet.

New NSFW Billboards and Signs that fix 5 things:

  • Taliban/NASA approved ultra conservative ad campaign: Fixed
  • Terrible texture compression artifacts and color banding: Fixed
  • Poor Composition Quality: Fixed
  • Bad positioning causing overlap on smaller billboards: Fixed
  • ‘Emotical’ is not a word, ‘Emotional’ is: Fixed

That’s it, simple texture replacer.
MO2 file structure for mod manager install, Vortex users do whatever Vortex users have to do…


Fireapple Gaming

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File File size
7z FA - 4K - Enhance-d NSFW Signs-1-1 55 MB
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