A QoL mod for Starfield.
Automagically loots, hacks terminals and, picks locks.
Fully configurable and Hotkey ready.
Tired of sifting through crap on a desk and still grabbing the marker instead of the credstik? Well, do it automagically!
Hate that damned hacking/picking minigame? Well, do it automagically!
Want to grab the ammo around you while you shoot your way through bullet sponges? Well, do it automagically!
Just pull out your hand scanner and walk around as you normally would while looting and some of those chores will be handled for you!
This mod takes some of the tedium out of the endless cycle of shooting your way through the 14th identical abandoned research tower in the last two systems.
Automagic Installation:
Your mod manager may not fully support Starfield at this time. Your mileage may vary depending on the tool you use.
Manual Installation:
Extract the package to your Data folder, maintaining the complete directory structure and file placement.
If you are using Plugins.txt Enabler then simply add a line reading *LooterShooter-ShooterLooter.esp
If you are NOT using Plugins.txt Enabler then…
Open your \Documents\My Games\Starfield\StarfieldCustom.ini
Add these sections and lines as required. If sTestFile1 is used then use sTestFile2 (or sTestFile3, … up to 10).
Finally – Profit!
Quick’n’Dirty How-to:
I should have put in a direct on/off instead just a toggle for filters – on the TODO – anyway…
Use console commands or setup Hotkeys to change any of the mod controls and filters. Refer to the table in the readme in the archive downloaded and on this page below for reference and complete details.
To toggle OFF the looting defaults:
cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleFilter" "Actors"
cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleFilter" "Containers"
cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleFilter" "Valuables"
cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleFilter" "ValueJunk"
cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleFilter" "Resources"
cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleFilter" "Keys"
cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleFilter" "Books"
cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleFilter" "Aid"
cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleFilter" "Chems"
cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleFilter" "Ammo"
cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleFilter" "Mines"
cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleFilter" "Thrown"
To change the RANGE of the actions:
cgf "LSSL:Interface.SetFloatControl" "ScanRadius" float
Where “float” is the radius in meters you want (note, it is internally minimally clamped to 1.0m).
WARNING: Increasing the range increases the volume of the sphere being searched. This has a direct correlation to the time it takes the engine to scan for objects. That mean’s going from 4.0m radius to 8.0m radius is the difference between a volume of 268.08 and 2144.66 cubic meters, or an increase of 700% (8x the volume).
To change the INTERVAL BETWEEN actions:
cgf "LSSL:Interface.SetFloatControl" "ScanInterval" float
Where “float” is the time in seconds you want (note, it is internally minimally clamped to 1.0s).
To turn the SCANNER requirement OFF:
cgf "LSSL:Interface.SetBoolControl" "HandScannerOnly" false
To ALLOW STEALING (and accessing owned doors/terminals):
cgf "LSSL:Interface.SetBoolControl" "AllowStealing" true
To toggle PAUSE on/off:
cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleBoolControl" "PauseScan" true
Console/Hotkey commands:
See the bottom of this page for a Hotkey example config.
cgf "LSSL:Interface.SetFloatControl" "asControl" float
cgf "LSSL:Interface.ModFloatControl" "asControl" float
cgf "LSSL:Interface.SetBoolControl" "asControl" bool
cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleBoolControl" "asControl"
cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleFilter" "asFilter"
asControl: Type (Default): Description:
HandScannerOnly bool (True) Only do the magic while the hand scanner is open. Otherwise, do it all the time.
AllowStealing bool (False) Allow stealing items, may trigger alarms, etc if the player is caught.
PauseScan bool (False) Pause scanning while True
ScanRadius float (4.0) San for objects in this radius around the player (in meters).
ScanInterval float (2.0) Time between the end of one scan and start of another (in seconds). *1
asFilter: Default: Action: Details:
Terminals True Hack Automagically hack locked terminals. *2, *3
Doors True Pick Automagically pick locked doors. *2, *3
Actors True Search Search dead bodies for loot.
Containers True Search Search containers for loot.
Valuables True Loot Loot digipicks and credits.
ValueJunk True Loot Loot weightless junk items with a non-zero value.
Contraband False Smuggle Loot contraband items.
Resources True Loot Loot all those crafting matts!
Keys True Loot Loot keys to locks.
Books True Loot Loot data slates and books.
Junk False Loot Loot junk items.
Aid True Loot Loot aid items.
Chems True Loot Loot drugs.
Food False Loot Loot food items.
Booze False Loot Loot alchoholic beverages.
Drinks False Loot Loot non-alchoholic beverages.
Apparel False Loot Loot clothing items.
Neuroamps False Loot Loot neuroamps.
Helmets False Loot Loot spacesuit helmets.
Backpacks False Loot Loot spacesuit backpacks.
Suits False Loot Loot spacesuits.
Ammo True Loot Loot ammunition.
AssaultRifles False Loot Loot assault rifles.
Automatics False Loot Loot automatic weapons.
Ballistics False Loot Loot ballistic weapons.
Chemical False Loot Loot chemical weapons. *4
Cryo False Loot Loot cryogenic weapons.
EMWeap False Loot Loot electro-magnetic weapons.
Explosives False Loot Loot explosives.
Fire False Loot Loot incendiary weapons.
HeavyGun False Loot Loot heavy guns.
Lasers False Loot Loot laser weapons.
Melee False Loot Loot melee weapons.
Mines True Loot Loot mines. *5
Miniguns False Loot Loot miniguns.
Particle False Loot Loot partical weapons.
Pistols False Loot Loot pistols.
Rifles False Loot Loot rifles.
Shotguns False Loot Loot shotguns.
Sniper False Loot Loot sniper rifles.
Thrown True Loot Loot thrown weapons.
Toolgrip False Loot Loot toolgrip weapons.
Unarmed False Loot Loot unarmed "weapons".
*1 The time it takes the complete a scan is highly variable, in some areas and some cases it can take less than 1 second to complete all the scans, in other areas it can take more than a minute. Generally speaking, the more densely packed or dynamically generated an area, the longer a scan can take.
*2 Or use the key if possessed.
*3 Player requires Digipicks and the appropriate Security skill. Additional Digipicks may be used to simulate making mistakes for locks higher level than novice at a rate of 5% per lock level per lock level. For those interested in the breakdown, here it is:
Level: Keys: Determination:
Unlocked: 0 0
Novice: 1 1
Advanced: 1-2 1 + 1 (5%)
Expert: 1-3 1 + 1 (5%) + 1 (10%)
Master: 1-4 1 + 1 (5%) + 1 (10%) + 1 (15%)
*4 This includes toxic, poison, etc.
*5 If placed and armed, requires AllowStealing to be enabled.
Known Issues:
“It didn’t loot X when I turned that filter on!” – The game engine just refuses to return some objects when asked. The ingestible categories are the worst offenders here. The engine will return a MedPak in a box but not a MedPak on a table. It will return a MedPak in a box but not a TraumaKit at all.
“The mod is slow or stalled!” Correction: Papyrus is slow or stalled. The mod is at the mercy of the game engine and your playstyle. “Busy areas” – areas that are more dynamically generated, areas with NPC AI populations (including wild animals, actual NPCs, …) – these will all cause Papyrus to grind to a halt. The game is not optimized AT ALL.
Hope to fix all issues soon, but there are still early days of Starfield Modding.
Example Hotkeys:
Requires enabling Console Hotkeys as can be found here.
F2=cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleBoolControl" "PauseScan"
F3=cgf "LSSL:Interface.ModFloatControl" "ScanRadius" -1.0
F4=cgf "LSSL:Interface.ModFloatControl" "ScanRadius" 1.0
Ctrl-F2=cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleBoolControl" "HandScannerOnly"
Ctrl-F3=cgf "LSSL:Interface.ModFloatControl" "ScanRadius" -5.0
Ctrl-F4=cgf "LSSL:Interface.ModFloatControl" "ScanRadius" 5.0
Shift-F2=cgf "LSSL:Interface.ToggleBoolControl" "AllowStealing"
Shift-F3=cgf "LSSL:Interface.ModFloatControl" "ScanInterval" -1.0
Shift-F4=cgf "LSSL:Interface.ModFloatControl" "ScanInterval" 1.0