Add A Wardrobe Option to Remove Off-Hand Holster V1.0

Add A Wardrobe Option to Remove Off-Hand Holster V1.0

A native way without a script to add an option to remove off-hand holster in your wardrobe, by deleting the herbalist holster you get from trapper.

with this mod, I deleted the entry for the herbalist off-hand holster so that when you equip it, it will remove the off-hand holster completely, and you can continue as you want using only your main holster.

I chose the herbalist one because it is the easiest to get as you have to collect 6 yarrows, go to the trapper, reinforced equipment, herbalist, and buy the off-hand holster and that is it.

now after you finish the mission where you get the second holster, you can remove at any time you want, and everything will 100% work as intended as if it was already a vanilla option.

if you have a mod that has strings.gxt2 file, just copy the line from my mod and paste into the one you already have.

if you have a mod that edits shop_items.ymt, do the following, open the file you have and look for:

<Item> <label /> <name>provision_reinforced_offhand_buffalo</name> <templateName /> <shopCategory>holsters_left</shopCategory> <swatchTexture>uisw_leather_pt001</swatchTexture> <swatchPalette>metaped_tint_combined_leather</swatchPalette> <swatchTint0 value=”41″ /> <swatchTint1 value=”41″ /> <swatchTint2 value=”41″ /> <assets itemType=”MetaPedDefExplicitAsset”> <Item> <drawable>player_zero_holster_front_cup_011</drawable> <albedo>player_zero_holster_cup_011_c0_000_ab</albedo> <normal>player_zero_holster_cup_011_c0_000_nm</normal> <material>player_zero_holster_cup_011_c0_000_m</material> <palette /> <tint0 value=”255″ /> <tint1 value=”255″ /> <tint2 value=”255″ /> <probability value=”255″ /> </Item> </assets> <states /> <onAddTriggers itemType=”MetaPedShopItem__Trigger”> <Item> <tag>coats</tag> <fromState>base</fromState> <toState>open_full</toState> </Item> <Item> <tag>coats</tag> <fromState>base_open_custom</fromState> <toState>0xB08A38A7</toState> </Item> </onAddTriggers> <onRemoveTriggers itemType=”MetaPedShopItem__Trigger”> <Item> <tag>coats</tag> <fromState>open_full</fromState> <toState>base</toState> </Item> <Item> <tag>coats</tag> <fromState>0xB08A38A7</fromState> <toState>base_open_custom</toState> </Item> </onRemoveTriggers> </Item>

and delete this whole entry and that is all you have to do.

now in any chapter in any time, remove this off-hand holster as you want, enjoy the hands on belt look at anytime.



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zip Remove Off-Hand Holster-1-0 1 MB
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