This mod adds connections between Reforma Map and Quaristice’s Minor Urban Overhaul.
The mod fixes connections in these areas:
Uses Quaristice’s I-580 and I-80 connection between MUO’s Oakland and the refreshed Reforma Sacramento (ATS 1.40-1.43)
Uses PaZz’s I-5 and I-8 connections to Carlsbad and San Diego
Uses n1cky1992’s I-10 connection between PaZz’s Quartzsite and MUO’s Phoenix
Adds I-10 connection between MUO’s Los Angeles and Reforma’s Palm Springs, Palm Desert, and the refreshed PaZzMod areas
It also uses Mega Resources and SCS California signage in the MUO interstates, such as Los Angeles, Carlsbad, San Diego, Oakland, and Stockton. Moreover, as SCS, Reforma, and Quaristice update their map areas, this patch will also be updated to reflect the changes.
Reforma Map and either Minor or Lite Urban Overhaul are required. Not compatible with standalone Sierra Nevada Legacy and PaZzMod.
Changelog 1.9.1
This version only covers the Phoenix area. If you are using Project Better Arizona and Reforma together, this patch is no longer needed.
Update v1.9.1
-Changed variants on some of the company prefabs in Phoenix to match the ones SCS put in the base map
-Compatibility update with ATS 1.52 and Reforma 2.7.8
Update v1.8.6
-Compatibility update with ATS 1.51 and Reforma 2.7.7
-Removed extra underbridge pillar that appeared in the middle of the freeway on I-5 North leaving Los Angeles when this map was recomputed
Update v1.8.5.2
– Recomputed map to fix error on missing service prefab and loading node, specifically in Oxnard
Update v1.8.5.1
-Compatibility update with ATS 1.50, Minor/Lite Urban Overhaul v17.1, and Reforma 2.7.4
-Merged changes from Minor/Lite Urban Overhaul v17 to this patch
-Fixed look and variant errors on model “storage tank02” around Phoenix
-Fixed variant error on Home Store depot in Palm Desert
-Fixed wooden post placements on some of the signs in Palm Springs and Palm Desert
-Some signage changes to match the ones from SCS California Rework: Phase 3
-Added missing crash barrier on the right on I-5 North leaving Los Angeles
-Mod file has been repacked using the new SCS Game Archive Packer to potentially optimize performance
Update v1.8.5
-Compatibility update with ATS 1.50, Minor/Lite Urban Overhaul v17.1, and Reforma 2.7.4
-Merged changes from Minor/Lite Urban Overhaul v17 to this patch
-Fixed look and variant errors on model “storage tank02” around Phoenix
-Fixed variant error on Home Store depot in Palm Desert
-Fixed wooden post placements on some of the signs in Palm Springs and Palm Desert
-Some signage changes to match the ones from SCS California Rework: Phase 3
Changelog 1.8.4
-Compatibility update with ATS 1.49, Minor/Lite Urban Overhaul v16.1, and Reforma 2.6.4
-Removed floating signs on I-5 South entering San Diego
-Updated signs at the I-10/I-15 interchange
-Fixed terrain gap when entering I-10 West from the Reforma AZ-85/I-10/AZ-303 interchange near Phoenix
-Fixed trailer spawn locations at the HMS machinery depot in Los Angeles
Compatibility update with ATS 1.48, Minor Urban Overhaul v15.7.1, and Reforma 2.5.8
Fixed a parked truck and trailer that was slightly sunk into the ground at the US-101 North rest area between Los Angeles and Oxnard
Removed extra concrete barriers that were misplaced on I-5 between Carlsbad and San Diego
Fixed some floating trees and a misplaced rock wall around the US-101 rest area between Los Angeles and Oxnard
v1.8 2023-04-27
-Important: As per the announcement regarding Reforma 2.5.4, the Sierra Nevada sectors have been removed from the Reforma map file. Those sectors have been removed from this patch as well. If you want to continue using Reforma Sierra Nevada with both the main Reforma Map and Minor/Lite Urban Overhaul, you will need to download Reforma Sierra Nevada AND MUO/Sierra Nevada Compatibility Patch.
-Compatibility update with ATS 1.47, Minor Urban Overhaul v15.6, and Reforma 2.5.4
-Merged changes from Reforma 2.5.4 to this patch (some roads had to be reverted back to vanilla to accommodate this change)
-Sectors for Reforma Sierra Nevada Legacy have been removed in the Reforma map file, so those sectors have been moved to MUO/SN Compatibility Patch
-Signage changes at the US-101/CA-126 interchange in Oxnard
-Added missing central concrete barrier at the US-101 rest area between Los Angeles and Oxnard
-Fixed various model look and variant errors within the patch sectors
-Added trivision billboards within the patch sectors
-Bug and signage fixes
Minor signage fixes
Compatibility update with ATS 1.46, Minor/Lite Urban Overhaul v15.3 and v15.4, and Reforma 2.4.3
Fixed one missing gas station totem in Los Angeles
Added distance signs around the Los Angeles/San Diego area
Fixed CTD with a Chemso chemical plant prefab outside of Oakland and Sacramento
Signage changes on I-15 from San Diego to Barstow
Fixed missing Richmond Bridge viewpoint (doesn’t show up as “viewed” in the gallery, don’t know how to fix that)
Fixed dead end and direction blockers within the patch sectors, so they should disappear as intended when you disable “show blockers” in settings (collisions are still on, though)