Sold in Kenworth salons and Kenworth dealers from modifications;
2 cabins;
3 interior;
5 chassis;
Engine sounds updated;
Your tuning;
Skins set (template is provided);
There are your wheels;
Added by DLC Steering Creations Pack (updated to version 2020);
Support DLC Cabin Accessories for ATS;
Support SISL’s Mega Pack v3.x;
Support for advanced coupling;
Support for cables for trailer;
Support for the animation of windows;
Added to orders of companies;
Presented in the gallery.
The mod adaptation for ATS v1.43 or higher.
– Eaton Fuller transmissions (manual and auto) were added. Third-party transmissions are not supported from now on.
– Interior animations were revised. Added some new ones.
– Known early and newly found issues were fixed.
good day kindly update this truck to 1.45 please