Volvo FH 3rd Generation v1.0.1 1.39.x


-L2H2/L2H3/L3H3 Cabs
-16 unique chassis
-31 engines options
-Basic, Exclusive interiors
-13 gearboxes

Minimum game version required: 1.47

Installation Guide:
1. Extract and place the file “Volvo FH3 by johnny244.scs” to X:\Users\[your user name]\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod
2. Activate the mod in-game using the mod manager
3. If you own any one of the three DLCs supported by this software, place the corresponding DLC support package to the path mentioned above, then activate the package with its priority above the software.


Updated for 1.49

Updated for 1.48.5.x

-Compatibility for 1.48
-Updated mod files structure

Changelog: 2 Jul v1.113
-Improved Sound insulation on the interior
-Corrected light colour for the switches
-Also address the uv mapping issue affecting skin modding
-Fixed crashing that might occur when one chooses a particular pre-configured truck in the dealership

Changelog 1.112:
-Updated steering wheel button lights
-Updated definitions
-Fixed sounds
-Adapted and Updated for 1.47

UPDATE: Hotfix available.
-Fixed some unintended conflicts between some accessories.
-also added a few more pre-configured trucks, available for quick jobs and purchase at the dealers.

Version 1.11:
added 6×4 chassis
added L2H1 sleeping cabin
added Kelsa light strip collection
added additional settings
other minor fixes
For version 1.46.x

Fixed dlc toys gps
Added Flags dlc support
Added HS dlc support
Updated for 1.46

Completely remodeled interior (L2H2, L2H3, L3H3)
Lowered lightbox luminance (less halo around patterns at night)
Fixed fakeshadow disappearing when lowering suspension
4×2 X-Low Added
6×2 mid-lift chassis added
Updated to support 1.46

Changelog 26.07.22
Support License Plate Pack part 2

Changelog v1.10
Completely remodeled interior (L2H2, L2H3, L3H3)
Lowered lightbox luminance (less halo around patterns at night)
Fixed fakeshadow disappearing when lowering suspension
Some other bug fixes I cannot recall

Changelog v1.06
4×2 X-Low Added
Minor accessory additions
Some fixes

Changelog v1.051 from 09.12.21
Update for 1.43

Changelog v1.051
Featured variant: FH DME field test truck
Minor fixes

Changelog v1.05
Globetrotter (L2H2) cab added
Euro 3 engines added
Minor interior fixes

05-Apr-21, V1.04

6×2 mid-lift chassis added
Minor exterior parts re-modelled
Rehauled low-res interior model (exterior-viewed)
Other minor bug fixes

12-Feb-21, V1.03

Truck made compatible with 1.40 Beta
Globetrotter XXL (L3H3) cab added
Several interior parts remodelled
Other miscellaneous additions and fixes


Texture reformatted to resolve the “fail to load texture” problem for certain systems, kudos to @Dotec for the help
UV mapping for paintjobs fixed
There are other feedbacks and reports of problems that will be addressed at a later date, as they require more time and research.

Changes from 10.01.21
Fixed a serious sound bug due to which you may sometimes hear the air gear sound constantly playing,
whenever you apply the brakes or the retarder.

Version: 1.01
Fixed some texture problems
5th wheel position reconfigured
Rear light bar lighting reconfigured
– now compatibility patches and addons are working with Truck mod

Link 1 Truck
Link 2 DLC Compatibility Patches
Link 3 Optional 900-degree steering patch
Link 4 Templates for paint jobs


johnny244: exterior modelling, interior modification, conversion to ETS2
kriechbaum: engine sound
SCS Software: interior (low-poly and high-poly)

4.3/5 - (10 votes)
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