Skeleton Key is a small, immersive solution that allows experts in the Security skill to Bypass locks – expending digipicks to automatically open locks.
There are some options to tune the experience.
An alternate activation is added to locks with a ‘Bypass’ prompt. Selecting this prompt expends Digipicks to automatically open the lock.
Skeleton Key can run in several modes for varying amounts of challenge or compatibility.
Security Rank 3 is required to attempt Lock Bypassing.
Master-tier Locks cannot be Bypassed at all, but Rank 4 lowers Digipick usage and allows Bypassing Expert-tier locks.
No Security ranks are required to attempt Bypassing.
One digipick will be used per Lock Tier up to 4 picks for a Master lock.
This option can be chosen for compatibility if another mod alters the Security perk.
All locks up to Master level can be opened with 1 Digipick.
The perk allowing Skeleton Key to function is removed.
In theory, the mod is compatible with everything.
[STREAMLINED] mode should be used if another mod changes Security such that Skeleton Key cannot track perk ranks accurately.
Lockpicking skill challenges will not progress when Bypassing locks, so keep this in mind.
Bypassing story locks or those you have the key for may have unintended consequences.
Please Bypass with caution.
This mod has no requirements.
Install with your mod manager of choice.
The system will initialize in Simulation mode upon loading the game.
Set the mod to DISABLED before uninstalling.