Simple mod to remove the Scanlines, Chromatic Aberration and the Vignette has branched out into all of these variants. Please select only one and Enjoy.
[_NoScanlinesNoChromaNoVignette.pak] No Chromatic aberration, No Scanlines and No darkening at the top of the screen
[_NoScanlinesNoVignette.pak] No Scanlines and No darkening at the top of the screen, Chromatic aberration still there.
[_JustVignetteGone.pak] Scanlines are still there but no darkening at the top of the screen. -for TheMercsAssassin
[_EverythingGoneButVignette.pak] No scanlines, No chroma, only a slight darkening on the top of the screen. -for Doc Knox
[_EverythingGoneButVignette-v2-Stronger.pak] Stronger version of other file demonstrating Hazard Vignette.
[_EverythingGoneButVignette-v3-Stockalike.pak] Very slightly weaker than stock Vignette.
Navigate to No Man’s Sky/GAMEDATA/SHADERCACHE/ and delete all shader cache files or the mod will have no effect.
Place the desired .PAK file (inside the zip file) in the No Man’s Sky/GAMEDATA/PCBANKS/MODS folder.
If the “MODS” folder don’t exist create it. And then delete the “DISABLEMODS.TXT” in the PCBANKS folder or rename it / move it to another folder. Otherwise no mods will be loaded!
Delete the MODS folder from No Man’s Sky/GAMEDATA/PCBANKS/MODS and create a text file called “DISABLEMODS.TXT” in No Man’s Sky/GAMEDATA/PCBANKS
Compatibility Info for Modders
Any mods that change this file will be incompatible with this mod.
v8:Works up to version 2983990
v7: Works with build 2979024
V6:Reworked all versions, added new screenshots.
v5.1: Tested for build 2973996 compatability
V5:Vignette only option added
v4:Chromatic aberration removed.
v3: New variant with Chromatic aberration reduced.
v2: Slightly better thought out hack to remove scanlines and vignette from top of screen, with added option of keeping scanlines.
v1: Quick hack to remove scanlines and vignette from top of screen