NMS_v2.27.0 – Synthesis (Update 6) – Your hazard shields lasting longer than usual with this mod!
I was tired about people not updating their mods. Seriously, it doesn’t take even 20 minutes, and not even 2 if you have the hang of it, and I just started 40 minutes ago.
Their mods either breaking the game (because of immensely lacking necessary code lines of new content or additional parameters at already existing content), crashing or simply not fully functioning at all.
Here is the mod for NMS_v2.27.0 – Synthesis (Update 6)
Hazard shields lasting 5 times longer.
Mod does alter/change/adjust/expand the following file:
Other mods also accessing this file will either corrupt, crash or conflict with this mod or your game.
Extract files to: “X:\…\No Man’s Sky\GAMEDATA\PCBANKS\MODS\” – create the folder “MODS”, if it doesn’t exist.
Also, delete or rename the file “DISABLEMODS.TXT” from your “PCBANKS”-folder.
(“game.version-mod.version” – Description)
v2.27.0-1.0 Initial Release