Boadicea’s Foal V1.0

Boadicea's Foal V1.0

***DISCLAIMER*** Recommended for Story Mode only
Not responsible for banning in online play if you use this mod. If you play online, use at your own risk as this may be
considered a mod thus causing you to be banned. I don’t play online (the
mute players weird me out) so I’m not sure how this would go online.

What if Arthur’s original horse, Boadicea, had a foal which got lost to the wild during the Blackwater incident? What if that foal is all grown up now and Arthur finds it?

I’m excited about this horse and wanted to share it with y’all!

Our boah is a handsome guy and should have a handsome horse, amiright? In every way, I tried to fit this horse to what I feel fits Arthur’s style–dark, strong, tall but not in-your-face flashy. It’s not so big that it makes Arthur look little. But it’s big enough to be impressive next to other horses. Even the NPCs are jealous. This is a horse where you look at it and think “Okay that’s nice” then the more you ride it, look at it, watch the coat colors in the sun, the more you fall in love with it. Just like our boah Arthur.

Sized to about the same height as the Turkoman. Morgans look like ponies next to it.
Gorgeous legit liver color that shines a pretty red as gawd intended.
A mane and tail with appropriate color, not that gross orange that the in-game liver chestnuts have reminding you of that long ago hair bleaching incident.
Good thick strong bones.
Muscular without a big tummy (those ardennes might need to be treated for worms, just sayin’).
No over sized ba-donk-a-donk but this horse hasn’t missed a single leg day for shoah.

Only for people who like teensie scrawny horses.

I have it as a tiger striped bay mustang so you get the bravery of the mustang, the boosted performance (see ***** to give it even more power) of the tiger striped mustang, and nobody else but you and Arthur can have it. It’s all yours. Oh and John, I guess.

INSTALLATION: File contains a “README.txt” for specific instructions

Note: The game files have Boadicea as a liver chestnut Hungarian Halfbred. IMO, that model’s head is too small for their bodies and their butts too wide for their legs making the conformation kind of meh. Plus the colors on the liver chestnuts are a bit dull. Liver chestnuts can be beautiful too! I know because I had one (RIP Rocky, you crazy lovable psycho!)

Another Note: Interesting story mode connection- The roman historian, Tacitus, wrote about Boadicea (actually spelled Boadica in his writings). Tacitus Kilgore anyone?

I will be including this horse in my next Devil’s Garden Mustangs pack though matching the size of those mustangs (so obviously this horse has some good ol’ ‘merican mustang blood, but a great horseman like Arthur can work with one).

Asterisk thingies:
*** As it sits, you would spawn in the Tiger Striped Bay Mustang.
**** For Arthur to have this horse, you need to have a way to spawn it
(Rampage Trainer is what I use) or use a mod so Arthur can go to New
Austin and find this horse in the Tiger Mustang Spawn Location (I use Lockdown Manager) and tame it (my preferred method).
*****To change the name/stats of the horse, use Horse Names and Stats mod.
****** Please endorse if you feel this description is way too long.
*******You can rename the .ymt file to change any horse you want in your game. It
will take on the characteristics of that original horse (so if you replace, say, an Arabian with it then put Arthur in a helmet because he’s going to get dumped).



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zip Boadiceas Foal-1-0 752 KB
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