AMFAO – Arthur Morgan Facial Animation Overhaul V1.0.1

A.M.F.A.O. V1.0

A simple mod that overhauls Arthur Morgan’s facial expressions. Upon finding a complete unused set of player facial expressions, I decided to do what I can to restore them. This mod does exactly that, and more.

While a lot of the unused animations give Arthur a look that’s more in line with his beta/trailer counterpart, many of them were unfinished, ugly, or didn’t work at all. I used this opportunity to make a whole new collection of facial animations for Arthur, using only animations from this unused set. In short, this mod aims to revive that meaner/tougher look we see in earlier versions of the game.
All core animations also now have their own unique look that better matches each situation, rather than all being a variation of the same sad/tired face.
There are a lot more new expressions than what’s shows in the images, but it’d take me way too long to show a comparison of each and every one – Every single facial animation has been changed.

Added an extra file for the original idea of this mod, which is an untouched, direct replacement of all facial animations with the unused set. Figured I’d put this up for the beta fanatics, as this is a more raw version of what Arthur’s face might’ve looked like in earlier builds of the game.


Drag and drop -AMFAO- into your lml folder.

Merge file:
=Drag and drop into your lml folder
-Delete ‘facial_clipset_groups’ from the JMFAO folder



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