John Marston’s Beta Hair V0.2

John Marston's Beta Hair V0.2


This mod replaces Epilogue John Marston’s Parted Right hairstyle (length 7) with his beta/NPC hair.

I know you all must be tired about RDR2 John Marston beta/restoration mods and SPECIALLY about his hair… But this is for the people that are fine with his outfits and don’t get bothered that much with John Morgan’s face and body. Just like you, I only want his goddamn beta/NPC hair.

So, using JMRP, I learned myself how to swap the hair and adjust other stuff (like his classic hat) to not clip/glitch out with his beta hair. It means that THIS MOD DOESN’T USE ANYTHING NEW/EXTERNAL BESIDES WHAT’S ALREADY IN THE GAME.

This mod replaces Epilogue John’s Parted Right Hairstyle (length 7).

This mod also works in the LATEST VERSION OF RDR2 (Build 1491.50). I HAVE NOT TESTED IN OLDER VERSIONS.

This mod requires:
Any ASI Loader (I recommend Script Hook RDR2);
Latest version of Lenny’s Mod Loader RDR.

After installing both ASI Loader and Lenny’s Mod Loader RDR, just drag the mod folder (“JMBH vX.Y.Z”) into lml folder. That’s it.

Optional: if you want to use John’s beta/NPC head too, just replace the files in the mod folder within the ones inside the optional folder. Keep in mind that you may notice the rest of the body subtly not aligning with his neck.

The files/folders inside the “optional” folder is either experimental, alternative or just optional things. It is your choice to use or not.

John’s beta/NPC head: drag the “stream” folder into the mod’s root folder (“JMBH vX.Y.Z”). Keep in mind that you may notice the rest of the body subtly not aligning with his neck.

Since version 0.2.0, in order to maximize the mod compatibility, YOU MUST PUT JMBH AT THE TOP OF LML ORDER/RANKING (like this:

John Marston's Beta Hair V0.2

I tested the mod with WhyEm’s and Red Dead Offline and worked just fine. I also tested with JMRP and worked.

If the beta/NPC hair is clipping at the top of John’s classic hat, it means that one of your other mods (besides the ones I said above) replaces the JMBH’s file that adjusts the hat’s position in his head. Make a post at the posts section so I can help with that.



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zip JMBH v0.2.0 1 MB
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