Sombra’s Django PED V1.0

Sombra's Django PED V1.0

This mod has been in 3 weeks of production, alongside my other upcoming mods, but after letting a few people play it and test out the mod, and with positive feedback, I was able to make the semi perfect Django mod, thanks to the people at the Eastern’s Extra Epic server and afew of my lovely friends that made this project a thing.

this mod brings 2 unique features that i don’t think anyone has done so far.

– functional dead-eye system {only level one sadly}
– Functional Eagle eye system

this mod was a passion project and I want people to enjoy this mod!. be aware that there is a few bugs with this mod, so feel free to comment the bugs and I’ll update the file as soon as I can

Django Unchained Navy Sounds
Django Unchained Sharps Rifle Sounds
Online Content Unlocker
Smoking Complete



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zip S0mbras Django PED-1 5 KB
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